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Human Resources

Number of Shiseido Group Employees

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Total(persons) As of January 1 each year in Japan and as of December 31 of the previous year outside Japan 45,527 40,484 38,878 35,675
Ratio of Women(%) All Shiseido Group As of December 31 of the previous year 83 82.2 81.9 82.2
Shiseido Group in Japan As of January 1 each year 82 81.3 80.7 80.9

Number of Employees by Region(persons)

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Japan As of January 1 each year ☑24,903 ☑23,458 ☑22,129 ☑20,793
China As of December 31 of the previous year 9,019 8,174 8,158 7,492
Asia Pacific 4,392 3,858 3,674 2,649
Americas 2,997 1,939 1,819 1,776
Europe 4,031 2,900 2,930 2,783
Travel Retail 185 155 168 182

Data marked with ☑ has been third-party certified.
Scope:Shiseido Group in Japan(21 companies)

Independent Assurance Statement for Social Data[PDF:143KB]

Number of Employees by Type of Employment(persons)

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Japan Employees Total As of January 1 each year 17,698 17,160 16,393 15,375
Men 3,835 3,783 3,622 3,332
Women 13,863 13,377 12,747 12,043
contract employees Total 7,205 6,298 5,760 5,418
Men 655 610 657 648
Women 6,550 5,688 5,103 4,770

Number of Leaders(persons)

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Japan Leaders*1 Men As of January 1 each year ☑862 ☑841 ☑843 ☑796
Women ☑459 ☑500 ☑509 ☑531
Junior managers*2 Men 535 490 331 327
Women 246 248 209 208

Data marked with ☑ has been third-party certified.
Scope:Shiseido Group in Japan(21 companies)

  • *1:Leaders: Manager position holders and annual salary system employees
  • *2:Junior managers: Manager position holders without subordinates and career path employees with subordinates

Independent Assurance Statement for Social Data[PDF:143KB]

Ratio of Women Leaders (%)

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Entire Shiseido Group
(Coverage 100%)
Ratio of women leaders*1 As of January 1 each year in Japan and as of December 31 of the previous year outside Japan 57.5 58.3 58.1 58.8
Japan Ratio of women leaders*2
Target: 50%
As of January 1 each year ☑34.7 ☑37.3 ☑37.6 ☑40.0
Ratio of women junior managers*3 31.5 33.6 38.7 38.9
China Ratio of women leaders As of December 31 of the previous year 63.5 65.2 69.4 70.1
Asia Pacific 67.9 65.4 81.4 78.4
Americas 73.1 76.4 67.9 68.3
Europe 73.5 68.7 71.3 72.1
Travel Retail 79.1 82.6 83.0 83.6

Data marked with ☑ has been third-party certified.
Scope:Shiseido Group in Japan(21 companies)

  • *1:Ratio of women junior managers in the entire Shiseido Group: 64.7%
  • *2:Leaders: Managerial position holders who are also under the annual salary system (full-time employees / fixed-term contract employees)
  • *3:Junior managers: Manager position holders without subordinates and career path employees with subordinates

Independent Assurance Statement for Social Data[PDF:143KB]

Diversity in Top Management

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Ratio of women on Board of Directors(%)*1 As of April 1 each year 46.2 46.2 46.2 40.0 45.5
External directors ratio on Board of Directors(%) 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.3 63.6
Ratio of women executive officers(%) 25.0*2 31.6 35.3 35.3 40.0
Ratio of women of all top management(%)*3 28.3 41.7 42.9 44.1 43.8
  1. *1:Ratio of women directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members is shown until 2023. With the transition to a “Company with Three Statutory Committees” at the 124th Ordinary General Meeting (March 26, 2024), the ratio of women directors is shown from 2024.
  2. *2:Ratio of women corporate officers
  3. *3:Leaders within 2 levels from the CEO

Ratio of Employees with Disabilities*1(%)

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Shiseido Company, Limited As of June 1 each year 3.04 3.89 4.18 4.52 4.81
Shiseido Group in Japan*2 ☑2.22 ☑2.44 ☑2.65 ☑2.82 2.99
Target 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.5

Data marked with ☑ has been third-party certified.

  • *1:Ratio of Employees with Disabilities: Physically and intellectually disabled persons are included, and the employment rate for disabled persons is indicated by three significant figures.
  • *2:Shiseido Group in Japan: 12 special subsidiary companies of Shiseido Group

Independent Assurance Statement for Social Data[PDF:143KB]

Employee Diversity

Ratio of employees by age group(%)

Indicator Period Age group 2021 2022 2023 2024
All Shiseido Group As of January 1 each year in Japan and as of December 31 of the previous year outside Japan Under 30 years old 24.1 18.6 17.6 17.7
30-49 years old 55.5 58.5 58.5 57.6
50 years old and over 20.4 22.9 23.9 24.7
Japan As of January 1 each year Under 30 years old 20.4 18.6 17.2 16.5
30-49 years old 49.3 49.4 49.3 49.1
50 years old and over 30.3 32 33.5 34.4
China As of December 31 of the previous year Under 30 years old 24.5 18 17.1 18.2
30-49 years old 73.9 79.3 79.8 79.2
50 years old and over 1.6 2.7 3.2 2.7
Asia Pacific Under 30 years old 36.3 25 23.2 24.3
30-49 years old 57.1 67.5 68.4 65.6
50 years old and over 6.6 7.5 8.4 10.1
Americas Under 30 years old 26.5 13.3 13.4 15.7
30-49 years old 51 55.7 53.8 54.1
50 years old and over 22.5 31 32.8 30.2
Europe Under 30 years old 30.9 15.4 17.5 20.5
30-49 years old 53.3 62.1 58.2 56.2
50 years old and over 15.8 22.5 24.3 23.3
Travel Retail Under 30 years old 21.6 16.8 14.9 18.7
30-49 years old 73 76.8 77.4 73.6
50 years old and over 5.4 6.5 7.7 7.7
Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Ratio of women in management in a revenue-generating function(%) All Shiseido Group As of January 1 each year 69 70 72.7 69.2
Ratio of women in a STEM-related department(%) All Shiseido Group - 59 56.8 57.4
Shiseido Group in Japan 33.3 58.1 57.4 56.7
Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Number of foreign national employees in Japan Shiseido Group in Japan As of January 1 each year 486 443 397 386
Ratio of foreign national employees in Japan(%) 2 1.9 1.8 1.9

Nationality of Employees(%)

Indicator Period Nationality 2024
Employees Managers
All Shiseido Group As of January 1 each year in Japan and as of December 31 of the previous year outside Japan Japan 57.4 40.2
China 20.3 14.8
United States 4.3 13.7
France 3.1 9.9

Average Service Years of Employees(years)

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Shiseido Group in Japan
Employees (excluding contract employees)
Average As of January 1 each year 14.4 14.9 15.3 15.7
Men 14.5 14.2 14.1 14.4
Women 14.4 15 15.7 16

Job Turnover Rate(%)

Total employee turnover rate*

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan All employees As of December 31 each year 3.5 4.4 5.2 8.7
Manager positions/ career path positions(excluding contract employees) 3.4 3.8 5.2 6.5
Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd. Beauty consultant positions only(excluding contract employees) 2.3 3.4 4 5.3
  • *Total employee turnover rate number should be the sum of the Voluntary employee turnover and the involuntary employee turnover rate. Total of turnover rate for personal reasons and turnover rate other than turnover for personal reasons (such as death, dismissal, leave of absence for personal injury or illness, expiration of absentee period)

Voluntary employee turnover rate*

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan All employees As of December 31 each year 3.3 4.2 4.9 5.6
Manager positions/career path positions (excluding contract employees) 3.1 3.7 4.7 4.8
Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd. Beauty consultant positions only(excluding contract employees) 2.1 3.2 3.8 5.1
  • *Retirement, early retirement, and retirement for personal reasons

Working Hours

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023
Working hours*1 Total annual hours worked per person (hours/years/persons) Shiseido Company, Limited As of December 31 each year 1,955 2,003 1,937 1,910
Shiseido Group in Japan 1,863 1,901 1,857 1,865
Prescribed working hours Annual prescribed working hours (hours/years/persons) Shiseido Group in Japan 1,836.8 1,844.5 1836.8 1852.25
Overtime hours*2 Annual overtime hours per person (hours/years/persons) Shiseido Company, Limited 173.4 211.6 167.2 178.1
Shiseido Group in Japan 69 88.2 91.6 108.7
  1. *1:Employees(excluding contract employees)
  2. *2:Employees(excluding contract employees and Manager positions)

Rate of Paid Leave Taken

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023
Annual rate of paid leave taken per person (%) Target: To achieve 80.0% Shiseido Company, Limited Employees and contractors As of December 31 each year 70.4 76.3 69.6 83.4
Shiseido Group in Japan 80.6 80.3 70.5 85.7

Number of Employees Hired*

Indicator Period 2020 2021 2022 2023
Periodic employment of career path positions Employees Men(persons) As of December 31 each year 65 26 21 15
Women(persons) 85 35 29 28
Women(%) 56.7 57.4 58 65.1
Periodic employment of beauty consultant positions Men(persons) 5 0 0 0
Women(persons) 333 26 32 15
Women(%) 98.5 100 100 100
Periodic employment of production positions Men(persons) - 30 18 33
Women(persons) - 45 25 47
Women(%) - 60 58.1 58.8
Periodic employment of the others Men(persons) - - 3 3
Women(persons) - - 11 52
Women(%) - - 78.6 94.5
Mid-career employment Employees and contract employees equivalent to employees (annual salary and special professional employees) Men(persons) 79 122 189 128
Women(persons) 100 127 187 190
Women(%) 55.9 51 49.7 59.7
Others Contract employees except for the above Men(persons) - - 149 181
Women(persons) - - 475 580
Women(%) - - 76.1 76.2
  1. *Shiseido Group in Japan

Breakdown of new hires

Indicator 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) Total number of new hires(persons) 985 1136 1272
Women(%) 66.7 66.5 71.7
Ratio of employees by age group(%) Under 30 years old 49 49.2 50
30-49 years old 42 42.3 40.4
50 years old and over 8.9 8.5 9.6
Management level(%) Non-managerial positions 89.8 93.7 94.6
Manager positions 10.2 6.3 5.4
Ratio of employees with disabilities(%) 3.8 3.4 2.9

Percentage of open positions filled by internal candidates(internal hires)in Shiseido Company, Limited and Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd.: 27%(2023)

Starting Pay(yen/month)

Indicator 2021 2022 2023 2024
Monthly amount paid* Doctoral graduate Employees who joined the company in April each year 293,450 293,450 293,450 293,450
Master’s graduate 261,310 261,310 261,310 261,310
Undergraduate 237,890 237,890 237,890 237,890
Technical/Junior college graduate 215,670 215,670 215,670 215,670
  • *An area allowance of 9,000 yen is provided to employees who live in Tokyo wards.(0 to 9,000 yen depending on area)

Average Annual Salary*(yen/year)

Indicator 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Company, Limited 6,585,163 6,202,140 6,634,381 7,405,508
  • *Including bonuses and extra wages

Equal Remuneration

Indicator 2021 2022 2023
All Shiseido Group Executive Officer Base salary only ☑ Men 100 : Women 85 ☑ Men 100 : Women 79 ☑ Men 100 : Women 80
Base salary + bonuses*1 *2 ☑ Men 100 : Women 81 ☑ Men 100 : Women 71 ☑ Men 100 : Women 75
Shiseido Group in Japan Manager positions Base salary only ☑ Men 100 : Women 96 ☑ Men 100 : Women 96 ☑ Men 100 : Women 95
Base salary + bonuses*1 ☑ Men 100 : Women 96 ☑ Men 100 : Women 96 ☑ Men 100 : Women 96
Non-managerial positions Base salary only ☑ Men 100 : Women 85 ☑ Men 100 : Women 88 ☑ Men 100 : Women 86
  Career path positions Men 100 : Women 99 Men 100 : Women 97 Men 100 : Women 94
Beauty consultant positions Men 100 : Women 120 Men 100 : Women 118 Men 100 : Women 115
Production positions - Men 100 : Women 99 Men 100 : Women 97

Data marked with ☑ has been third-party certified.

  • *1:Base salary + other cash incentives
  • *2:The current year's bonus amount is paid in March of the following year

Independent Assurance Statement for Social Data[PDF:143KB]

Employees Rehired after Retirement

Indicator Period 2022 2023 2024
Number of employees rehired after retirement(persons) Shiseido Company, Limited and Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd. As of January 1 each year 633 749 804
Percentage of employees rehired after retirement(%) 2.7 3.4 4.8

Childcare Leave and Family Care Leave

Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Employees who Used Childcare Leave System*1(persons) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) Men 30 67 61 139 167
Women 1,360 1,303 1,260 479 475
Number of Employees who Used Childcare Time System*2(persons) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) Men 4 8 14 12 14
Women 2,296 2,430 2,364 2,333 2,253
In-store beauty consultants Men 0 0 0 0 0
Women 1,743 1,750 1,707 1,708 1,632
Ratio of employees taking childcare leave(%) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) Men*3 - - - 95 113
Women*4 - - - 100 107
Period of childcare leave(average days) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) Men - - - 22 30
Women - - - 512 501
Reinstatement Rate after Childcare Leave*5(%) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) - - - 94.9 92.3
Manager positions/Career path positions 95 97.3 99.3 - 97
Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd. Beauty consultant positions only(excluding contract employees) 93.6 94.4 92.3 93.4 93.1
Retention Rate after Childcare Leave*6(%) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees(including contract employees) - - - 83.8 82.8
Manager positions/Career path positions 100 94.1 91.2 - -
Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd. Beauty consultant positions only(excluding contract employees) 98.8 90.3 88.8 82.9 86.2
Number of Employees who Used Family Care Leave System*7(persons) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees (including contract employees) Men 1 2 1 2 2
Women 28 40 37 40 40
Number of Employees who Used Family Care Time System*8(persons) Shiseido Group in Japan All employees (including contract employees) Men 1 1 0 2 1
Women 27 35 30 34 47
Kangaroo Staff*9(persons) Shiseido Group in Japan - - 2,095 1,659 1,090 721 479
  1. *1:Includes short-term childcare leave. Employees can use the system up to 5 years in total until the child turns 3 years old. (Employees are eligible to use the system 3 times for the same child under special circumstance)
    Up to 2021, the total number of employees who took at least one day of childcare leave during the current fiscal year. In 2022, the actual number of employees who started childcare leave during the current fiscal year
  2. *2:Employees can shorten their work hours by up to 2 hours a day until the child is in the 3rd grade of elementary school
  3. *3:Number of employees who started childcare leave during the current year÷ Number of employees whose spouses gave birth x 100
  4. *4:Number of employees who started childcare leave during the year ÷ Number of employees who gave birth ×100
  5. *5:Reinstatement Rate = (Number of reinstatements from childcare leave in the current fiscal year)/(Number of scheduled reinstatements from childcare leave in the current fiscal year) × 100
  6. *6:Retention rate = (Number of employees who stayed in the company as of December 31 of the current fiscal year since reinstatement from childcare leave in the year before)/(Number of reinstatements from childcare leave in the year before) × 100
  7. *7:Up to 1 year per leave for 1 family member. Up to 3 years in total.
  8. *8:Up to 2 hours a day. Up to 1 year per leave for 1 family member. Up to 3 years in total.
  9. *9:Kangaroo Staff System: A system to allocate substitutes to support storefront operations for beauty consultant employees who take time off for childcare.

Labor Accidents

Number of Work-Related Accidents*1

Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number Cover
Number Cover
Number Cover
Number Cover
Number Cover
Shiseido Group in Japan*2 Directly hired employees Total(factories) ☑30
100 ☑32
100 ☑28
100 ☑24
100 ☑30
Fatalities 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 ☑0 100
Indirectly hired employees (temporary staff) *3 Total ☑0 39.6 ☑3 79.5 ☑1 85 ☑2 93 1 85
Fatalities 0 39.6 0 79.5 0 85 0 93 ☑0 85
Shiseido Group outside Japan Directly hired employees Total 65 80 61 100 66 100 54 100 42 100

Accident Severity Rate*4

Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan*2 Directly hired employees ☑0.013 ☑0.007 0.013 0.021 0.025


Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan*2 Directly hired employees (Coverage (%)) ☑0.87
Indirectly hired employees (temporary staff)*3
(Coverage (%))
Directly hired employees and indirectly hired employees - 0.82 0.74 0.69 0.87
Shiseido Group outside Japan Directly hired employees (Coverage (%)) - 1.6(100) 1.9(100) 1.8(100) 1.47(100)

Data marked with ☑ has been third-party certified.

Independent Assurance Statement for Social Data[PDF:143KB]

  • *1:Number of labor accidents (injury and illness) resulting in suspension of work
  • *2:Shiseido Group in Japan (2023): Shiseido Company, Limited and 20 consolidated subsidiaries
  • *3:Data from our three major dispatch companies, GIC, and dispatch companies using factories
  • *4:Accident Severity Rate = Number of days lost due to work-related accidents/Total hours worked x 1,000
  • *5:Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) = Number of work-related accidents/Total hours worked x 1,000,000

Labor Union

Indicator Period 2021 2022 2023 2024
Percentage of Corporations with Labor Union(%) Shiseido Group in Japan(coverage 100%) As of January 1 each year 29.4 22.2 23.5 -
Shiseido Group outside Japan*1(coverage 100%) 68.4 68.4 68.4 -
Number of Labor Union Members(persons) Shiseido Group in Japan 13,672 13,438 12,930 12,731
Ratio of Labor Union Members(%) Shiseido Group in Japan Ratio including contract employees*2 55 56.6 58.3 58.2
Ratio excluding contract employees*3 77.3 77.1 78.3 78.3
  1. *1:Including work council
  2. *2:Ratio of employees subject to collective bargaining agreement among all employees including contract employees = Number of labor union members/Number of employees (including managerial position holders and contract employees, but excluding temporary staff and corporate officers) × 100
  3. *3:Ratio of employees subject to collective bargaining agreement among all employees excluding contract employees = Number of labor union members/Number of employees (including managerial position holders, but excluding contract employees, excluding temporary staff and corporate officers) × 100

Employee Engagement*

Indicator 2017 2019 2022 2024
All Shiseido Group 76 76 65 68
  • *Survey conducted every two years
  • *We changed the survey questions from 2022 and plan to monitor trends regarding the scores based on the 2022 results.

Talent Development

Indicator 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Average hours per FTE of training and development*1 All Shiseido Group 22.4 26.0 66 46.2 33.8
Average Education /Training Cost per FTE (yen)*2 29,277 43,936 23,682 29,892 36,199
  1. *1:FTE: Full-Time Equivalent
  2. *2:Regarding average education / training costs per employee, we revised the scope of aggregation to exclude personnel expenses of lost opportunities for education and training of participants. The previous years are retroactively adjusted in the same way.

Customer Satisfaction

Favorable perception of the Company and intention for repeat purchase of the Company's brand.

Indicator 2020 2021 2022 2023
Corporate Brand Survey*1 “Impressions of Shiseido” among current Shiseido customers (top 2 box scores<Very favorable / Favorable> on a 5-point scale) (%) 95.4 94.7 95.4 95.4
Product Brand Survey*2 Intention for repeat purchase among customers who have purchased the Shiseido brand within the past year (%) 74.3 73.5 73.6 73.9
  1. *1:Survey conducted in Japan only.
  2. *2:Global surveys. Total response rates for the top three box scores on an 11-point scale. Combined figures for our 7 major brands (SHISEIDO, CPB, Drunk Elephant, IPSA, ELIXIR, NARS, ANESSA) for 11 countries.

Compliance and Risk Management


  Target 2019 2020 2021 2023
Operations assessed for risks related to corruption All business offices inside and outside Japan Significant risk identified: None Significant risk identified: None Significant risk identified: None Significant risk identified: None
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken All business offices inside and outside Japan Confirmed incidents of corruption: None Confirmed incidents of corruption: None Confirmed incidents of corruption: None Confirmed incidents of corruption: None

Anti-Competitive Behavior

  Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices All business offices inside and outside Japan No legal action No legal action No legal action No legal action

Operating Performance of Hotlines/Helplines(Case)

For employees

Hotlines/Helplines Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
In-house Shiseido Hotline*1 Employees of the Shiseido Group in Japan 289 255 220 216*2
External Shiseido Hotline*1
Compliance Committee Hotline*1
Shiseido Global Hotline Employees of the Shiseido Group 2 0 1 2*2
  1. *1:From January 2024, it has been reorganized into the “Shiseido Hotline.”
  2. *2:In fiscal 2023, the above Hotlines/Helplines received a total of 218 cases.
    These included 43 discrimination/harassment cases, 50 labor management cases, 82 workplace environment/communication cases, 26 inquiries/other cases, and 17 other legal/internal rule violation cases.
    Of these, 42 cases were investigated, and based on the results of these investigations, 1 case was confirmed as a violation of laws/internal rules (discrimination/harassment: 0; corruption or bribery: 0; leakage of customers' privacy data: 0; conflict of interest: 0; insider trading: 0; labor management: 0; workplace environment/communication: 0; inquiries/others: 0, other legal/internal rule violation: 1;), of which 1 was an action taken for violations of employment regulations.
Reporting Desks Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group Whistleblowing to Audit and Supervisory Board Members* Employees of the Shiseido Group 4 3 7 2
  • *From March 26, 2024, the name was changed to the “Shiseido Group Whistleblowing to the Audit Committee.”

For Business Partners

Hotlines/Helplines Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Business Partner Hotline Directors and employees of business partners in Japan 13 17 11 14*
  • *In fiscal 2023, the above Hotlines/Helplines received a total of 14 cases. These included 2 discrimination/harassment cases, 3 labor management cases, 3 workplace environment/communication cases, 4 inquiries/other cases, and 2 other legal/internal rule violation cases.
    Of these, 4 cases were investigated, and based on the results of these investigations, 1 case was confirmed as a violation of laws/internal rules (discrimination/harassment: 1; corruption or bribery: 0; leakage of customers' privacy data: 0; conflict of interest transactions: 0; insider trading: 0; labor management: 0; workplace environment/communication: 0; inquiries/others: 0, other legal/internal rule violation: 0;), of which 1 was an action taken for violations of employment regulations.

Performance of Human Rights Education Training for Employees

Type of training Target Number of graduates(persons)in year 2023
Shiseido Code of Conduct and Ethics training Employees of the Shiseido Group Employees of the Shiseido Group in Japan: total of 18,750 Conducted in all regions of the Shiseido Group.
Harassment awareness programs Employees of the Shiseido Group in Japan All employees: total of 16,862participants
(83% participation rate)
Newly appointed management positions: total of 132
Human rights awareness programs Employees of the Shiseido Group in Japan

Employees of the Shiseido Group in Japan: total of 45,698 participants(81% participation rate)

Harassment Survey for Employees

Type Target FY2024 results and subsequent improvement measures

Survey subjects for 2024

Employees of Shiseido Group in Japan (with some exceptions)

  • Job category/classification: Full-time employees(managers, main career track position employees, personal beauty partners, specified work position personnel), fixed-term contract employees(including rehires), temporary staff

FY2024 results:
Number of respondents: 10,483
Response rate: 79.5%

Risk assessment method: The risk of harassment was analyzed and evaluated for each workplace in accordance with the Shiseido Code of Conduct and Ethics.

  • FY2024 measures:
    The results of the harassment survey conducted in FY 2024 were fed back individually to the heads of departments of all surveyed departments, and each department was requested to take corrective measures to resolve any harassment issues within their organization that can be inferred from the survey results.

  • In October 2024, Shiseido will conduct harassment prevention training for employees of the Shiseido Group in Japan with the aim of reducing the risk of harassment.

  • *Questionnaires were prepared in two languages in order to show consideration of the diverse workforce including non-Japanese speaking foreign national employees and human rights awareness. As the surveys are intended to create a sound workplace environment, they were given not only to directly hired employees, but also those indirectly hired and seconded from partner companies. The results were analyzed by employment status, job type and job position. In addition, in a two-year cycle, 1) understanding the actual situation (survey) targeting all departments of the Shiseido Group in Japan, 2) improvement actions based on 1), 3) understanding the improvement status (survey) targeting departments that are determined to have a high harassment risk as a result of 1), and 4) additional improvement actions are implemented.

Number of Serious Compliance Violations*

Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group None None None None
  • *Determination and management of serious compliance violations within internal business operations of Shiseido Group

Membership dues to various organizations, political contributions to political parties, etc. (Millions of yen)

2020 2021 2022 2023
Trade associations, etc. 41 40 20 41
Lobbying interest representation or similar 0 0 0 0
Donations to Political Parties 0 0 0 0

*Fraction have been rounded down

Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations in the Social and Economic Area

Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Incidents of Non-Compliance Concerning Health and Safety Impacts and Services Examples of product recall from consumers and the market Global 2 2 2 3
Incidents of Non-Compliance Concerning Product and Service Information and Labeling Examples of administrative guidance based on the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations Act, etc. Japan None None None None
Incidents of Non-Compliance Concerning Marketing Communications Examples of administrative guidance based on the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations Act, etc. Japan None None None None
  • *Above data represent the number of violation against regulations and/or voluntary codes

Incidents of Reporting Personal Information Disclosure to Personal Information Protection Commission(Cases)

Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan 0 0 0 0
  • *This table shows the number of data breaches to be reported to the Personal Information Protection Commission.

Violations or Complaints regarding Customer Privacy Protection received from Regulatory Authorities, Public Institutions, Consumer Rights Groups, etc.

Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan uncounted 10 4 0
  • *The number of applicable cases from the customer's request to our Consumer Center is shown.

Non- Compliance with Laws and Regulations in Social and Economic Areas

Target 2020 2021 2022 2023
Shiseido Group in Japan No fine imposed for violation of law No fine imposed for violation of law No fine imposed for violation of law No fine imposed for violation of law

Social Activity

Target -2023
Women’s empowerment in Japan
Supporting education and financial independence worldwide(unit: persons)
Cultivating self-efficacy through the power of beauty
Challenging the unconscious biases and prejudices that limit individual beauty(unit: persons)

Spending on Social Contribution Activities(Unit: Millions of Yen)

Target 2022
Shiseido Group 1,031

*Fractions have been rounded down.

Other Social Contribution Activities

Item Description 2023
Academic support Number of winners of the JSID's Fellowship Shiseido Research Grant(persons) 2
Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant(persons) 10
Number of winners of the Japanese Dermatological Association Basic Medical Research Grant(Shiseido donation)(persons) 6
Art and heritage Number of visitors to the Shiseido Gallery(Ginza)(persons) 35,969
Number of visitors to the Shiseido Corporate Museum(Kakegawa)(persons) 3,429
Number of visitors to the Shiseido Art House(Kakegawa)*1(persons) 4,973
Number of visitors to the S/PARK Museum(Yokohama)(persons) 55,459
Number of winners supported by “Shiseido art egg” <groups> 3

Community and Disaster Support

Donations from Shiseido Group employees are as follows.

Item Description 2022
Community and disaster support Amount of donations through “Shiseido Camellia Fund”*(unit: yen) 14,990,879
Item Description 2023
Community and disaster support Amount of donations through “Shiseido Camellia Fund”*(unit: yen) 6,497,121