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  4. Basic Policy on Internal Control System

Basic Policy on Internal Control System

1. System under Which Performance of Duties by Directors, Corporate Executive Officers, and Employees of the Company and All Group Companies Is Ensured in Compliance with the Laws and Regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation of the Company; System under Which the Appropriateness of the Whole Group’s Business Is Ensured.

The Board of Directors shall define the corporate philosophy and strategy of the Company and the whole Group and oversee their appropriate execution.

The Representative Corporate Executive Officers shall present proposals and provide updates on the business execution and strategic key areas to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. The Audit Committee shall audit the performance of duties by the Corporate Executive Officers and Directors, create audit reports, and present and explain the audit results at General Meetings of Shareholders.

The Company has defined THE SHISEIDO PHILOSOPHY, which is shared across the Group based on three elements: OUR MISSION, which determines the reason we exist; OUR DNA, which embodies our unique heritage of over 150 years; OUR PRINCIPLES (TRUST 8), which is a mindset to be shared by each and every Group employee in their work. THE SHISEIDO PHILOSOPHY, together with the Shiseido Code of Conduct and Ethics, which defines the action standards for business conduct with the highest ethical principles, promotes legitimate and fair corporate activities. (*)

The Company shall establish a set of basic policies and rules based on the Shiseido Code of Conduct and Ethics, which every Group company must follow. Every Group company and business site shall be fully aware of these policies and rules, along with THE SHISEIDO PHILOSOPHY. This will help create an environment where detailed internal regulations of the Company can be developed at every Group company and business site.

The Company has set up a Committee to oversee compliance and risk management and coordinate with organizations established to perform the compliance and risk management functions in the respective regional headquarters located in the major regions across the globe. This Committee shall be responsible for improving corporate quality by increasing the Group’s legitimate and fair corporate activities and managing risk. Major management risks and incidents shall be reported to the Board of Directors through the Representative Corporate Executive Officers, along with the proposal for response to them and its progress.

The Company deploys a person in charge of promoting legitimate and fair corporate activities of the whole Group and risk management at every Group company and business site, plans and promotes regular training and educational activities on corporate ethics, responds to incidents, and manages risks. The department in charge of risk management and the Committee that oversees compliance and risk management will share information regularly with the persons in charge deployed within every Group company and business site.

To detect and remedy any type of conduct within the Group that violates laws, the Articles of Incorporation, and internal regulations, the Company shall set up a hotline for whistle-blowers in every Group company. Additionally, employees will have access to a hotline where employees can directly report and consult with the officer in charge of risk management. In the Japan region, the Company shall establish hotlines staffed by both internal and external personnel and counselors.

The department in charge of internal audit, which operates independently, shall conduct group-wide internal audit to ensure the appropriateness of business based on the instructions of the Audit Committee and the Representative Corporate Executive Officers, following the regulations related to internal audit. If there is any inconsistency between the instructions of the Audit Committee and those of the Representative Corporate Executive Officers, the instructions of the Audit Committee shall take precedence. The results of internal audit shall be regularly reported to the Audit Committee as well as the Representative Corporate Executive Officers.

*Basic Policy on Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces and Its Implementation Status
The Shiseido Code of Conduct and Ethics states the following: “We do not work with individuals or organizations that engage in illegal activities such as threatening public order or safety. We also do not respond to any requests for money or support from such individuals or organizations.” A coordination office is established in the department in charge of risk management to effectively gather information. The Company also maintains manuals on the intranet on how to cope with such forces. The Company is taking measures to strengthen its collection of outside information and cooperation with external organizations by coordinating with local police offices and being a member of an organization that promotes the exclusion of anti-social forces.

2. System under Which Directors and Corporate Executive Officers of the Company and All Group Companies Shall Be Ensured to Efficiently Perform Duties

The Board of Directors shall focus on determining the basic management policy and management strategy and overseeing the implementation thereof. It shall significantly delegate the authority to determine particulars of business execution to the Corporate Executive Officers to increase the flexibility in performing their duties. Additionally, to achieve swift and efficient corporate management, the Representative Corporate Executive Officers shall manage and oversee the performance of duties of the entire Group to achieve targets.

The Corporate Executive Officers and Executive Officers shall set specific targets in the assigned fields, including all Group Companies, and establish a business system that ensures efficient achievement of the targets.

The Group’s business plans and important matters shall be deliberated from a multifaceted perspective at the relevant decision-making meetings composed of the Representative Corporate Executive Officers, Corporate Executive Officers, and Executive Officers.

The relevant meeting for decision-making on the execution of business shall confirm the status of progress against the target and implement the necessary measures for improvement.

3. System under Which Information Regarding Performance of Duties by the Company’s Corporate Executive Officers Shall Be Maintained and Managed; System under Which Items Regarding Performance of Duties by Directors and Employees of All Group Companies Shall Be Reported to the Company

Important documents such as minutes of General Meetings of Shareholders, the Board of Directors meetings, meetings of respective committees, and relevant meetings for decision-making on business execution shall be appropriately created, filed, and managed in compliance with laws and regulations, and internal regulations of the Company. These important documents shall be filed and managed in a highly searchable manner and should be readily available for inspection by the Directors and Corporate Executive Officers, and Audit Committee and the department in charge of internal audit.

Regulations on information asset protection and information disclosure shall be established to appropriately prepare, file, and manage a variety of documents, books, and records related to the performance of duties of Directors, Corporate Executive Officers, and employees, and other information.

Important information regarding the performance of duties by Directors and employees of all Group companies shall be reported in a timely manner to the Company by all Group companies in accordance with the internal regulations of the Company that stipulate reporting to the Company or through the reporting line to Corporate Executive Officers and Executive Officers.

4. Regulations Regarding Control of Risk for Loss at the Company and All Group Companies and Other Regulation Systems

Organizations are set up in the respective regional headquarters located in the major regions across the globe for the purpose of performing the compliance and risk management functions. These organizations will be responsible for overseeing risks related to corporate activities through Group-wide cross-sectional communication.

The Committee that oversees compliance and risk management recognizes and evaluates risks associated with management strategy and business execution, and takes necessary measures, or assists the regional headquarters located in the major regions across the globe to prepare their own contingency responses to deal with emergency situations.

In the case of emergency, the regional headquarters of the affected area, the Company, or both, pursuant to the situation, the seriousness of the impact on the Group and other factors shall establish Emergency Task Forces to take necessary actions.

5. Matters Related to Employees to Assist Duties of Audit Committee, the Independence of Such Employees from Corporate Executive Officers, and Ensuring the Effectiveness of Instructions from Audit Committees to Such Employees

The Audit Committee shall establish a secretariat in the department in charge of internal audit to support the duties of the Audit Committee, and employees shall be assigned to the secretariat.

To ensure the independence of the said employees and the effectiveness of instructions from the Audit Committee, prior approval of the Audit Committee shall be required for staffing (appointment and dismissal, and evaluation) of the department head in charge of internal audit, who has the authority and responsibility to manage the secretariat, and determination of the particulars of the audit resources (including budget) of said department. In addition, matters to determine members who work for the secretariat of the Audit Committee, including their appointment, transfer, and evaluation, shall require approval of the Audit Committee.

6. System under Which Directors, Audit and Supervisory Board Members, Corporate Executive Officers, and Employees of the Company and All Group Companies Report to Audit Committee and Other Systems under Which Any Report Is Made to Audit Committee; System to Ensure That Persons Are Not Treated Disadvantageously for Making Such Reports to Audit Committee

Directors, Corporate Executive Officers, and employees shall regularly or promptly report to the Audit Committee on the progress of performance of their duties. In addition, they shall promptly report to the Audit Committee on the progress of the performance of their duties and asset situation on request from the Audit Committee.

The Company shall establish means by which Directors, Audit and Supervisory Board Members, Corporate Executive Officers, and employees, including those of all Group companies, can directly inform the Audit Committee of issues and build awareness of these means across the Group.

The Company and all Group companies shall develop internal regulations of the Company to ensure that the said Directors, Audit and Supervisory Board Members, Corporate Executive Officers, and employees are not dismissed, discharged from service, or otherwise disadvantaged because of their reporting to the Audit Committee or informing the committee of issues and shall announce these regulations.

7. Matters Regarding Policy on Handling Advance Payment or Repayment of Expenses Resulting from Audit Committee Members’ Performance of Duties or Other Expenses or Debts Arising from the Said Performance of Duties

Expenses deemed necessary for the performance of duties by the Audit Committee and its members shall be budgeted for and recorded in advance. However, expenses paid urgently or temporarily shall be compensated by subsequent refund.

8. Other Systems to Ensure the Effective Performance of Audit by Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall provide instructions to the department in charge of internal audit. In addition, regular meetings shall be held to exchange opinions between the Representative Corporate Executive Officers and Audit Committee members. The Company shall establish a system to ensure that audits are effectively conducted by the Audit Committee through measures such as holding liaison meetings between the Audit Committee, the department in charge of internal audit, and Independent Auditor and ensuring that Audit Committee members or members of the department in charge of internal audit attend the relevant meetings, on request from the Audit Committee.

(Revised March 26, 2024)