SAGGING key visual backgroundSAGGING key visual backgroundSAGGING key visual background
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Black circle on the top left of the background

Technologies From Shiseido 
Skin-sag Research
Introducing a new means of improving sagging rooted
in Anti-Gravity Science V, globally pioneering discoveries made by
Shiseido, that elucidate the causes of sagging in a
comprehensive manner

As we age, our facial shapes change, resulting in sagging skin. For many years, scientists
couldn’t come up with an effective solution, which is why Shiseido set out on pioneering
research in this field with the goals of getting to the root of what sagging is,
while clearly defining it and establishing assessment methods.
We developed leading-edge analytical technologies and put them to good use, making
discoveries one by one about what is actually happening inside people’s skin.
This enabled us to begin pinpointing the root causes of sagging.
The result of our hard work is Anti-Gravity Science V, which has earned top awards from the
IFSCC Congress* four consecutive times. We now apply Anti-Gravity Science V in approaches
aimed at eliminating sagging concerns.

*The world’s largest congress for sharing of cosmetics-related technologies held by the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC)