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Health and Safety
of the Shiseido Group

Initiatives for health management and health and safety measures

"BEAUTY INNOVATIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD." This is the significance of Shiseido's existence, and our corporate mission is to contribute to the sustainability of a beautiful and healthy society and the earth by enriching people's hearts with "beauty" and bringing joy and happiness to their lives. To realize this philosophy, employees must lead a healthy, prosperous, and happy life and embody their healthy beauty. And as a foundation to support the employees, we need an environment where they can work safely and securely. To achieve this, Shiseido is working with the Shiseido Health Insurance Society to formulate the "Shiseido Health Declaration" to clarify support for employees to live a healthy and beautiful life. We have also established an "Occupational Health and Safety Management System" that realizes a safe and secure working environment for people working in the Shiseido Group. Furthermore, we have formulated the "Shiseido Vision Zero Declaration (Safety Declaration)" aiming for zero lost time accidents in all workplaces. We will continue to evolve activities based on the above, minimize occupational safety risks, and invest in health to make our employees healthier and as a result, give back to society. We aim for a virtuous cycle. Shiseido delivers beauty to consumers. We will continue to shine 100 years from now and will do our utmost to manage health and safety measures so that we can become a company that diverse people around the world know and trust.

Representative Corporate Executive Officer, Chairman and CEO

Masahiko Uotani


Shiseido Health Declaration

Our mission is “BEAUTY INNOVATIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD.” To that end, we promote initiatives for employees and their families to live beautifully and healthily based on our perception that beauty and health are sources of vitality.

<Our principles>

  • As members of a company delivering beauty, each and every employee shall have awareness and knowledge and take action proactively to work healthily, physically and mentally.

  • Shiseido will endeavor to provide opportunities for our employees to speak freely with each other about beautiful lifestyles and health for mutual growth.

  • Shiseido will endeavor to create a safer and more comfortable work environment and will actively support the efforts of employees and their families in cooperation with the Shiseido Health Insurance Society.

Promotion system

Regarding promotion, the officer in charge of human resources acts as the Health Management Representative (Chief Wellness Officer), and the Wellness Support Group of the People Division and Shiseido Health Insurance Society collaborate to support each office (of the Shiseido Group in Japan) to take the initiative to maintain and promote employee health. In addition, the Health Management Representative and each officer, department manager, and responsible person jointly discuss support for employee voluntary health initiatives.

Health Management System

Health Management System

Objectives of Health Management in Shiseido

<Shiseido Group’s health and safety mascots>

The twin mascots were born in 2023 wishing for the health, safety, and peace of mind of all employees.
They were designed with a motif of camellia petal and heart.

Health mascot: WELL-chan

Safety mascot: SAFY-chan

Numerical Targets for Health Management

The status of employees' health efforts is evaluated by setting KPIs. The analyzed employee health data is used to implement health-related initiatives for the Shiseido Group in Japan.

Numerical Targets for Health Management[PDF:295KB]

①Lifestyle Initiative

Aim Embodiment of Beauty Wellness to enable everyone to lead a beautiful and healthy life

Measures by the Shiseido Group in Japan Measures by the Shiseido Health Insurance Society
Total lifestyle
  • Organization of seminars based on proposals from each office
    * Online seminars on diet / exercise / sleep by RIZAP instructors according to themes proposed by each office
  • Thorough implementation of health guidance
  • Organization of health fairs
  • Dissemination of information in lunchtime sessions (live streaming)
  • Implementation of e-learning courses to improve health literacy
  • Provision of special medical checkups
  • Implementation of health support programs (specific health guidance)
    *1 While the national age eligibility for the above special medical checkup and guidance begins at age 40, Shiseido begins at age 35 to enable early detection/treatment).
    *2 Recommendation of specific medical checkups during specific health guidance interviews for those who need a complete examination or medical treatment as a result of the specific medical checkup (blood pressure, blood glucose, lipid).
  • "Dental Examination Campaign": partial subsidy on fees for dental exams
    *Promotion of regular preventive dental care by family dentist
  • Implementation of lifestyle improvement seminars provided jointly by KENPO and RIZAP
    * Implemented as an online seminar as part of COVID-19 prevention measures
  • Placement of a QR Code for “RIZAP Column” (a 1-minute workout video) in the Health Insurance Society public relations magazine
  • Implementation of a program to prevent the worsening of diabetic nephropathy
  • Provision of information on the Health Insurance Society website
    “Quick, Simple, and Delicious One-Plate Meals”
    * Content with video to introduce healthy menus
  • Recommendation of follow-up checkups during health checkups for dependents (whose results showed a need for medical care / complete examination for blood pressure / blood glucose / lipid)
  • Organization of sleep seminars
    * Mainly for employees with sleeping problem according to health checkup interviews
  • Implementation of trial examinations for sleep apnea syndrome
  • Provision of collaboration menu with Shiodome Cafeteria
  • Organization of seminars on drinking
  • Implementation of walking events (app) as a collaboration program with Kenpo
  • Dissemination of exercise videos and columns via the company intranet

②Tobacco Free Initiative (Promotion of non-smoking)

Aim Embodiment of Beauty Wellness through the promotion of non-smoking unique to Shiseido

Measures by the Shiseido Group in Japan Measures by the Shiseido Health Insurance Society
<Previous measures and the development of future Tobacco Free (promotion of non-smoking) >
Since the start of measures against smoking in Shiseido in the 2000s, Shiseido and the Health Insurance Society have continued to work together on these measures over 20 years.
These measures have been implemented with the following three pillars: education and awareness raising through in-house seminars and various media; creation of environments that prohibit smoking by establishing Non-Smoking Days and Non-Smoking Rules within the company; and support for quitting smoking, such as by providing instructions on quitting smoking and a program that subsidizes the cost of smoking cessation treatment.
Since 2019, we have been participating in the Non-Smoking Promotion Business Consortium to collect information and exchange opinions on advanced practices adopted by other companies, and we have further utilized the analysis results of previous measures, smoking-related data, and employee feedback provided through internal surveys and other means, to embody Beauty Wellness through non-smoking promotion measures unique to Shiseido and formulate a medium-to long-term plan that promotes Tobacco Free with a concerted effort by all employees.
  • Implementation of fact-finding surveys and questionnaires to prevent secondhand smoke at the workplace, and the dissemination of internal non-smoking rules
  • Non-smoking education in health committee meetings
  • Bi-monthly dissemination of information on Non-Smoking Days
  • Implementation of e-learning courses to improve health literacy
  • Provision of health guidance on non-smoking
  • Trial implementation of in-house non-smoking counseling services (some offices)
  • Non-smoking event consultation at health fairs
  • Internal open application of a non-smoking mascot
  • Subsidy on fees for smoking cessation outpatient consultation (year round)
  • Implementation of a remote smoking cessation outpatient consultation program
    * Implemented for a limited period and a limited number of applicants
  • Instructions for smokers on how to quit smoking and guidance on the smoking cessation outpatient consultation under health support programs (specific health guidance)
  • Posting of stories of those who successfully quit smoking on the PR magazine
  • Provision of smoking cessation consultation with T-PEC Health Support Dial 24

③Women’s Health Initiative

Aim Employees obtain, choose, and correctly understand the health and medical care information and the health issues corresponding to life stages so that they can take autonomous health actions.

Measures by the Shiseido Group in Japan Measures by the Shiseido Health Insurance Society

<Measures to improve health literacy concerning health issues corresponding to life stages>
* Focused on menopause in FY 2023

  • Organization of “Aging, in my own way” menopause campaign event
    * Mini-seminars by an occupational physician or a public health nurse
    * Talk sessions by female officers and managers & exchange meetings with employees
  • Dissemination of information in lunchtime sessions (live streaming)
    * Announcement from Femmes Medicaid about a seminar by a gynecologist on menopausal symptoms
  • Distribution of “Women’s Health” leaflets
  • Provision of Fem Tech services by Cradle Inc.
    * Online seminars and archived viewing on women's health issues and life planning for employees and their families, as well as the distribution of coupons for gynecological examinations
  • Full subsidy for cervical cancer and breast cancer screenings
  • Explicit presentation of a list of medical checkup institutions where female doctors are available
  • Mailing of leaflets on cancer (breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer) regarding the necessity and advantages / disadvantages of gynecological examinations for all target employees, along with information on medical checkups, as educational activities encouraging women to undergo the above gynecological screening
  • Start of the gynecological independent examination in 2022 for dependent women aged 20 or over other than spouse
  • Recommendations of follow-up checkups at breast cancer and/or cervical cancer screenings (those whose results showed a need for medical care / complete examination)
  • Placement of a link/banner to the "Women's Health Promotion Office, Healthcare Lab" website on the front page of the Health Insurance Society website, and the provision of relevant information on the society’s website
  • Start of “full subsidy for HPV vaccination” in April 2023 to prevent cervical cancer
    * Excluding those eligible for publicly funded vaccination or catch-up vaccination
    * Target aged 27 to 45

④Mental Health Initiative

Aim Employees understand and practice methods to notice stress and conduct self-care so that they can continue to actively work.
All employees including managers foster a comfortable working environment.

Measures by the Shiseido Group in Japan Measures by the Shiseido Health Insurance Society
Establishment of the mental health (internal) consultation counter (consultation provided in-person / online / by telephone, etc.)
* Telephone consultation with Health Support Dial 24 (24 hours/day, 365 days/year), mental health consultation support (remote support started in 2021)
  • Organization of seminars for self-care and line-care (improvement of the workplace environment, etc., by supervisors and counseling for workers)
    * New employees, new managers, guidance training, training for managers, offices with mental health issues
  • Implementation of e-learning courses on mental health self-care
  • Creation of short videos for self-care and line-care practices
  • Assignment of an occupational physician specialized in mental health
  • Interviews by department managers, and the improvement of work environments based on group analysis of stress check results
  • Dissemination of information in lunchtime sessions (live streaming)
  • Return-to-work support (organization and updates of return-to-work support programs, creation of handbooks, and more)
  • Placement of “Interviews about Mental Toughness” articles in the Health Insurance Society public relations magazine
    * Since 2020 spring/summer
    * Interviewing of top management officials regarding techniques on mental health control and the posting of articles that extract their secrets and tips
  • Placement of a link/banner to the MHLW’s “Ears for the Heart (kokoro no mime)” website on the front page of the Health Insurance Society website, and the provision of relevant information on the society’s website
  • Implementation of RIZAP seminars (on mental care)

⑤Cancer Initiative

Aim Employees understand the disease of cancer, how to balance treatment and work, etc. so that they can take autonomous health actions that lead to early detection and early treatment.

Measures by the Shiseido Group in Japan Measures by the Shiseido Health Insurance Society
  • Distribution of documents with information to encourage cancer screening
  • Implementation of cancer and health lectures by an occupational physician in health committee meetings, etc.
  • Implementation of e-learning courses about basic cancer knowledge, the importance of early detection / early treatment of cancer, and a support system for balancing cancer treatment and work
  • Implementation of a support system for cancer treatment / work balance
    (Granting of five days of special leave (can be taken on an hourly basis) to employees undergoing cancer treatment)
  • Participation in the “Cancer Control Promotion Company Action”
  • Establishment of the Cancer Survivor Shop (to solicit exchanges among cancer survivor employees)
  • Dissemination of information in lunchtime sessions (live streaming)
  • Participation in the “Cancer Control Promotion Company Action” (from FY2018)
  • Placement of a QR Code for “Oshiete Nakagawa Sensei”* (a video to raise awareness about cancer) in the Health Insurance Society public relations magazine
    * “Oshiete” means “teach us”
  • Full subsidy for cancer screening (changed to full subsidy from FY2020)
  • Recommendation of follow-up checkups (needed medical care / complete examination) in cases indicating risk; confirmation of consultation result, promotion of response; implementation of survey
  • Implementation of cancer screening for family members of employees (checkups for dependents) at the same grade as employee cancer screenings
  • Placement of the National Cancer Center’s “Cancer Information Service” website banner on the front page of the Health Insurance Society website, and the provision of relevant information on the society’s website
  • Interviewed by Cancer and Disease Control Division, Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, as an insurer implementing advanced measures
  • Participation as a representative insurer in a meeting by the Health and Labour Sciences Research Group (in which the National Cancer Center serves as secretariat)
  • Interviewed by Yobo Iryou Fukushi Kyokai (an association for promoting preventive medicine) about our subsidy program for HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer

Key initiatives

Accomplishments of the Lifestyle Initiative

Completion rate of health support programs The completion rate of health support programs (specific health guidance) stood at 56.7% in FY2021, higher than the national average (31.2%).
* See the attached table.
Health fairs Every year, we hold health fairs tailored to the health issues of each Shiseido Group location in Japan, including health-related measurement sessions, health education, and collaborative projects with cafeterias.
* In FY2022, we did not hold an in-person fair owing to COVID-19 prevention measures, but in FY2023, we are planning to hold an in-person fair at about ten offices in Japan while implementing preventive measures.
Lifestyle seminars Since FY2019, we have provided seminars on exercise, diet, and sleep that are designed to address health issues in each organization, and these seminars have been well-received by participants. In FY2022, we have provided online seminar content according to the health issues in each office and have continuously implemented measures to improve exercise habits, sleep, and dietary habits of participants.
Walking events In FY2022, as a collaboration program with Kenpo, an app-driven walking event was held to create an opportunity to reduce lack of exercise and prompt a start to regular exercising. Both individuals and departments were ranked at the event and more than 1,500 people from approx. 170 departments thus far have participated. The event was well-received as an opportunity to promote not only exercise habits but also communication among employees. We are planning to also hold an event in FY2023.

Implementation rate of health support program

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Number of target people 1,382 1,574 1,416
Number of target people who completed the program 700 837 803
Completion rate 51.4% 53.2% 56.7%
National average of
completion rate
27.4% 26.9% 31.2%

■Actual settings of health fair

【Participating employee feedback】
”I appreciate that I got a lot of advices in a short time.”
”I noticed bad things more than I thought, which gave me a lot to think about.”

Health care special menu in collaboration with Shiodome cafeteria

<Health care special menu in collaboration with Shiodome cafeteria>

<Health fair at Saitama Office>

■Actual settings of health seminar

【Participating employee feedback】
"The seminar reminded me that a healthy lifestyle is the source of beauty. It made me recognize that it’s important to find an image of what I want to become.”
“If I was alone, I may have given up. Together with other participants, I was able to finish the course.”

Accomplishments of the Non-smoking Promotion Initiative

Smoking rate Since the calculating of the smoking rate began, it has been decreasing every year and declined to 17.3% in FY2022 (-16.3 percent from FY2010).
We aim to further lower the rate with a target index of “less than 5% by 2030.”
Support to quit smoking In addition to individualized health instructions to quit smoking, we aim to create a system to provide a wide range of consultations regarding smoking cessation through the trial implementation of a non-smoking counseling service (at some offices), external consultation counters, etc.
In addition to partial subsidies for the cost of smoking cessation treatment throughout the year, the Health Insurance Society launched a limited-time full subsidy for smoking cessation treatment in FY2019 and a “remote smoking cessation outpatient consultation” (full cost subsidized by the Health Insurance Society) in FY2021, which resulted in a high smoking cessation success rate of 71.4% in FY2022. Our goal is to continue to maintain a success rate of at least 70% in the future. Rather than paying too much attention on the success of smoking cessation, we aim to create a supportive environment for people trying to quit.
Company non-smoking rules and measures against secondhand smoke In FY2012, we made the building smoke-free and prohibited employees from smoking when in uniform and in company vehicles. In May 2019, we also introduced no smoking during working hours. As we have more diversified working styles such as hybrid work, we need to review the purpose and interpretation of our current rules and aim to further ensure that the creation of environments to prohibit smoking and prevent secondhand smoke is thoroughly implemented.
Dissemination of information We continuously disseminate information through posters, leaflets, health committee meetings, in-house intranet, and in-house live streaming.
Furthermore, on the Non-Smoking Day every month since FY2022, we have been creating original materials containing quizzes and comments from employees to draw the attention of employees, including non smokers. These are placed on signage, intranet, etc.

Accomplishments of the Women’s Health, Cancer, and Mental Health Initiative

Seminars on women’s health Based on the characteristics and needs of the offices, we provide training on women's life stages and health (such as female hormones, menstruation, and menopause).
* In FY2023, seminars focusing on menopause are being implemented.
Implementation of support for balancing cancer treatment / work, and e-learning courses Since FY2020, we have provided cancer education through e-learning. We are working to improve the cancer literacy of employees. The topics we explore include basic knowledge about cancer, support systems, and consultation services for balancing cancer treatment and work, and stories from employees who have undergone cancer treatment. The e-learning courses are effective, achieving a 98% comprehension rate and a 97% satisfaction rate in FY2022.
Mental health and self-care We provide education on mental health and self-care through e-learning courses. The e-learning courses are effective, achieving a 99% comprehension rate (same as the previous year), and a 72% recognition rate (increased by 10.0 percent from the previous year) of the company’s mental health system such as return-to-work support programs.
Furthermore, we distribute helpful information for self-care by creating 5 to 10-minute short videos about assertion, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.
Mental health and line care We create and distribute short videos for managers about their obligation to consider safety, how to notice changes in their subordinates, return-to-work support, etc., and to enhance line care training.

The 1st menopause event at Shiodome Office

<The 1st menopause event at Shiodome Office>

The 2nd menopause event at Hamamatsucho Office

<The 2nd menopause event at Hamamatsucho Office>

Shiseido certified in the “2024 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program” (Large Enterprise Category, White 500)

Shiseido, together with 21 domestic affiliated companies in the group, was certified in the "2024 Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category, White 500) run by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Conference.”*1

Health and Productivity White 500

In recent years, the areas of wellness and wellbeing have been attracting greater attention, with an increasing number of companies aiming for outstanding health and productivity management*2. While the number of companies participating in the Survey on Health and Productivity this time was 3,523, the highest number ever (up 10% from last year), the Shiseido Group was able to enter the top 10% in the large enterprise category and receive “White 500” certification (This is the fourth time in total ). Going forward, we will continue to strive to achieve even greater heights in order to maintain and improve the health and safety of our employees.

  1. *1: Since 2017, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Japan Health Council have jointly certified the top 500 companies and corporations that practice particularly excellent health and productivity management as "Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations."
  2. *2: “Health and productivity management” is a registered trademark of the NPO Health and Productivity Management Study Group.
Name of certified corporation Names of affiliate corporations also certified
Shiseido Corporation Japan Retail Innovation Co., Ltd.
Pierre Fabre Japon Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Astech Co., Ltd.
IPSA Co., Ltd.
Ettusais Co., Ltd.
ETWAS Co., Ltd.
The Ginza Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Parlour Co., Ltd.
Hanatsubaki Factory Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Interactive Beauty Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Beauty Academy
Shiseido Corporate Pension Fund
Shiseido Health Insurance Society
Shiseido Child Foundation
Shiseido Beauty Salon Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Shiseido Labor Union
Shiseido Creative Co., Ltd.

COVID-19 prevention measures taken by the Shiseido Group in Japan

The Shiseido Group in Japan has adopted the “Shiseido Hybrid Work Style,” a new working style which places the highest priority on the safety and health of employees with the aim of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and improving the performance and productivity of employees and organizations.
Since the adoption of the Shiseido Hybrid Work Style, which allows employees to work either at the office or home depending on their roles, employee workstyles have become more diverse. The Shiseido Group in Japan has taken measures to address health issues associated with remote work that are different from those previously experienced.

  • Provision of information for employees
    We conducted a survey among employees who choose to work remotely to understand their current situations and needs. Based on the survey results, we are providing information on dieting and exercise, advice from occupational physicians and counsellors, and tips for working remotely.

  • Lunchtime session (live streaming)
    To reduce employees’ stress and promote communication,we stream information on topics such as lower back pain, women's health, and preventive measures against alcoholism.

<Lunchtime session (live streaming)>

  • Online consultation
    We have provided online video consultation to employees who choose to work remotely as part of our efforts to prevent the spread of infection. This has facilitated employees to communicate with occupational health care staff, enabling rapid response to health concerns.

  • Measures for infection control taken by the Health Management Office
    We are working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by preparing alcohol sanitizers and installing acrylic boards and partitions in consultation spaces for employees entering the Health Management Office.

  • Workplace COVID-19 vaccination program
    From August 2021, we have implemented workplace COVID-19 vaccination programs for employees and their families at each location of the Shiseido Group in Japan. So far, we have administered two doses each to approximately 10,000 people. In addition, the third (booster) doses were administered to employees in April 2022.

<Workplace vaccination: Reception>

<Workplace vaccination: Filling the vaccine into syringes>

Shiseido Vision Zero Declaration(Safety Declaration)

Shiseido pursues "PEOPLE FIRST," which is an important management philosophy for people working in the Shiseido Group to bring about innovation in society by producing results. To that end, our vision is to create an environment in which people working in the Shiseido Group can work safely and securely, and to achieve zero lost time accidents*1 at all workplaces.

  • *1:Lost work accident (Injuries and illnesses during work or commuting in Japan which lead to one or more days off)

Behavioral guidelines

This guideline applies to officers and employees (including dispatched employees and employees of cooperating companies) engaged in the Shiseido Group in Japan and overseas.

<Preventive measures>

We will specify the issues at individual workplaces through thorough risk assessment*2 and based on the data analysis of lost work accidents, and we will take measures against hazards at the workplaces to create a secure working environment for all people.

<Continuous education and compliance with rules> We take responsibility for our own safety and the safety of the people around us, receive regular education on health and safety, practice it, and act according to the set rules.

<Improvement activities>We will share and discuss the cases of internal lost work accidents in the Shiseido Group with top management and the officers in the individual sectors at the health and safety management system committee meeting and take proactive countermeasures.

  • *2:Standardized safety evaluations to prevent accidents and activities to identify potential causes of danger
    This Code of Conduct is developed with reference to the Occupational Health Hierarchy Controls of the National Institute for Occupational Health and safety.

Management System

Management System
Occupational Health and Safety Management System Committee “H&S Committee”

In promoting the “H&S Committee,” the officer in charge of human resources is responsible for health and safety management, supervising business areas in Japan and overseas, and taking the initiative in maintaining and promoting the health and safety of people working for the Shiseido Group.

The health and safety manager works with officers, department directors, and other people in charge to encourage people working for the Shiseido Group to make voluntary efforts to ensure their health and safety.

The H&S Committee, chaired by the officer in charge of human resources, determines commitments on occupational health and safety, of which significant ones and measures against occupational accidents are reported to the Board of Directors.

Health and Safety Committee

We have set up the Hygiene Committee and the Health and Safety Committee in accordance with laws and regulations and worked on establishing a safe and comfortable workplace through dialogue with employees and labor union representatives as well as through participation in and investigation and deliberation at the committees.

To prevent occupational accidents, we have formulated an occupational health and safety policy and established the Health and Safety Committee, through which we analyze and review dangerous areas and behaviors, determine the causes, conduct risk assessment to evaluate and prioritize the causes and near-miss accidents,* and implement hazard prediction training.

ISO 45001

For factories in Japan and overseas, we have obtained the ISO 45001 certification and implemented occupational health and safety management systems as part of our effort to realize our goal of reducing occupational accidents to zero and prevent the occurrence of serious accidents.

The certified factories have set up and implemented necessary procedures to prepare for and respond to possible emergencies.

  1. *A near-miss accident indicates the phenomenon by which a dangerous event occurred but luckily did not result in any injury or damage.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The Kakegawa Factory held an “H&S Committee” meeting where persons in charge of factories, laboratories, shops, and offices, officers from each area, and labor union representatives were brought together.

The Kakegawa Factory held an “H&S Committee” meeting and participants shared information on where occupational accidents (trips and falls) occurred and discussed countermeasures.

Overall Goals

  • Elimination of accidents resulting in fatality or functional loss/elimination of occupational accidents
  • Lowering of the lost time injuries frequency rate* to 0.1 or less by 2030

Results and Evaluations

Significant Item Area 2021 2022 2023 2030
Accidents resulting in fatality or functional loss Domestic and overseas sites 0 0 0 0
Number of occupational accidents (Japan) Domestic sites 29 24 30 -
Number of occupational accidents (overseas) Overseas sites 66 54 42 -
Lost time injuries frequency rate (Japan) Domestic sites 0.74 0.68 0.89 0.1
Lost time injuries frequency rate (overseas) Overseas sites 1.94 1.76 1.47 0.1
Number of factories that obtained the ISO 45001 certification Domestic and overseas sites 3 3 8 11(2024)

Number of occupational accidents (by accident type) at domestic sites

  1. *Lost time injuries frequency rate or LTIFR is the number of occupational accidents resulting in absence from work in a workplace per 1 million work-hours

Progress and Issues that Need to Be Addressed

The number of occupational accidents and lost time injury frequency rate at domestic sites increased in 2023, and the main causes were trips and falls.
At domestic sites, we have conducted the Safety Culture Diagnosis in addition to company-wide health and safety education. Based on the diagnosis analysis and the actual results of occupational accidents in 2022 and 2023, we seek to encourage middle-career employees*1 by establishing an age-friendly workplace so that employees can actively work in safe and secure conditions.
To achieve our health and safety goals by 2030, we need to prevent future accidents by conducting company-wide health and safety education and sharing information beyond business domains, instead of relying on the governance at each site. It is essential to strengthen safety measures against trips and falls, particularly among employees in their 50s and 60s who tend to be prone to such accidents, and to comply with the health and safety laws and regulations under which regulations are expected to be further tightened. We also need to alleviate the risks of operational suspension and public confidence loss resulting from serious occupational accidents.
We are currently introducing the “H&S Committee” system, which just started in Japan, at our overseas sites in addition to promoting the trinity of “occupational accidents,” “disaster prevention,” and “BCP*2” to build a system/environment that is conscious of workers’ safety.
Compared to all domestic industries and each of the chemical and manufacturing industries in Japan, the Shiseido Group has been able to ensure safety for its workers. Nevertheless, we will further enhance the health and safety initiatives and implement various measures toward achieving our goals.

  • *1:Middle-career employees refer to those in their 40s to mid-50s.
  • *2:BCP: Business Continuity Plan

Comparisons of the lost time injuries frequency rate of domestic sites in the Shiseido Group with those of all domestic industries and the chemical and manufacturing industries in Japan

Shops/Sales and Offices in 2023

Shops/Sales and Offices
Goal Reduction of the number of occupational accidents resulting in absence from work by 50% from the level of 2022
Result The systematic implementation of company-wide awareness building measures, surveys, and initiatives by each office has led to the distinct improvement of employee awareness of occupational safety management.
Initiatives / Issues that need to be addressed Shops and sales, as well as offices, promote initiatives to prevent occupational accidents by holding monthly meetings of the Health and Safety Committee, among others. We analyze the occurrence situations and causes of accidents and share the information with each business site in Japan. We continuously collect information on near-miss accidents as well, examine measures against anticipated risks from multilateral perspectives, and share the information compiled in an easy-to-understand format with each workplace.
In recent years, we have been particularly focusing on preventing trips at shops and other workplaces to create a safe and secure working environment.

R&D (Laboratories) in 2023

R&D (Laboratories)
Goal Standardization of the procedure of risk assessment on chemical substances
Result The number of chemical substances subject to risk assessment has substantially increased following the 2022 amendment of the Industrial Safety and Health Act. However, we have completed the assessment on the targeted substances after standardizing the procedure and meticulously examining the conditions of use at research sites.
Our risk assessments will continue with more substances expected to be included in the list.
Initiatives / Issues that need to be addressed Laboratories manage various kinds of chemical substances in their possession with their own IT system and comply with laws and regulations by strictly and efficiently conducting risk assessment on the increasing number of chemical substances.
We are also working on establishing a safe and secure working environment, promoting proper management of chemical substances based on regulations, and providing information and education to raise awareness of health and safety among researchers. We will strive to prevent any health damage attributable to chemical substances and ensure the health and safety of researchers for the years to come by keeping work logs and sharing risk assessment results.

Supply Network Domain (Factories and Distribution Centers) in 2023

Supply Network Domain (Factories and Distribution Centers)
Goal Attainment of the ISO 45001 certification for domestic factories
Result Factories that obtained the ISO 45001 certification in 2023: Kakegawa Factory, Gien Factory, Val de Loire Factory, East Windsor Factory, and Osaka Factory
Initiatives / Issues that need to be addressed

The lost time injuries frequency rate at all sites in Japan and overseas came to 0.7, significantly exceeding the target of 1.3 or less. However, accidents resulting in absence from work infrequently occurred. Our analysis on the occurrence situations of these occupational accidents has revealed that many cases resulted from the unsafe behaviors of some employees. We are therefore planning to introduce the Behavior Based Safety (BBS) program to reduce such behaviors at all sites in Japan and overseas.

Factories and distribution centers are continuously promoting the Global Safety Management System (GSMS), which defines the common standard on occupational health and safety in Japan and overseas. In 2024, we started verifying the progress of the GSMS at each site under the leadership of the head office’s management department on a full scale, in tandem with the introduction of the GSMS defining the same level of daily safety behaviors and requirements as ISO 45001:2018, to enhance the safety level at all sites.
As part of these initiatives, we offer a diverse range of educational training programs that reflect our analysis of past occupational accidents and countermeasures. The Kakegawa Factory has created a video on safety rules that has been shared with all its employees.

In addition to the above, in 2023, we started the external inspection program to verify the compliance status of all the regulations related to health and safety, as well as working conditions, at all sites in Japan and overseas, in cooperation with external professional organizations to improve our health and safety system and enhance our initiative to ensure compliance.

The picture shows a footage from the safety rule video created by the Kakegawa Factory

The factory is being inspected by members of the external organization.

Domain Goals for 2024

Domain Goals
Shops/Sales and Offices
  • Leveling of safety initiatives led by each business site in Japan
  • Enhancement of recurrence prevention initiatives
R&D (Laboratories)
  • Enhancement of chemical substance management system
  • Ensuring of compliance (formulation and revision of regulations, setting up of administrators, provision of health and safety education, etc.)
Supply Network Domain (Factories and Distribution Centers)
  • Introduction of BBS program
  • Renewal of ergonomics programs and deployment thereof into all sites
  • Introduction of legal regulation surveillance system

Inspection and Examination

Inspection and Examination
ISO 45001:2018
  • The registration of the ISO 45001 certification for all our factories in Japan and overseas was completed in conjunction with the acquisition in March and April 2024 for the Fukuoka Kurume Factory and the Nasu Factory, respectively. (The certification organizations were SGS United Kingdom Limited for the Fukuoka Kurume Factory, and Japan Industrial Safety & Health Association for the Nasu Factory.)
  • Factories in Japan and overseas conduct the PDCA, or plan-do-check-act cycle (for organizational status; participation, planning, support, and management of leadership and workers; and evaluation and improvement of performance) and promote occupational health and safety management according to each process.
  • We promote continuous improvement through maintenance and examination, examination for renewal, and internal inspection of factories.
  • Factories that have obtained the ISO 45001 certification in each country and region: factories in Beijing and Shanghai, Hsinchu Factory, Kakegawa Factory, Gien Factory, Val de Loire Factory, East Windsor Factory, Osaka Factory, Osaka-Ibaraki Factory, Fukuoka Kurume Factory, and Nasu Factory (as of April 2024 and listed in the order of acquisition date)
Third-Party Verification
  • The Shiseido Group in Japan receives third-party verification by Bureau Veritas Japan Co., Ltd. and conducts verification on occupational accident-related matters at domestic companies of the Shiseido Group, such as the number of occupational accidents, LTIFR for the directly or indirectly employed, and number of fatalities among the directly or indirectly employed, etc. based on the data collection procedure regarding domestic occupational accidents.

Members of the Osaka Factory that obtained the ISO 45001 certification pose with the Chief Supply Network Officer.

Members of the Ibaraki Factory that obtained the ISO 45001 certification pose with the Chief Supply Network Officer.

Members of the Fukuoka Kurume Factory that obtained the ISO 45001 certification pose with Health & Safety System Owner.

Members of the Nasu Factory that obtained the ISO 45001 certification pose with Chief Supply Network Officer. (April 2024)

Training and Educational Programs

In fiscal year 2022, we established an occupational health and safety management system and have since promoted the system across the group by sharing the information concerning safety activities as well as education and training programs provided in each domain. As one of such initiatives, we share the information on near-miss accidents and hazard prediction trainings at the H&S Committee to promote them in all the domain workplaces.

Company-wide health and safety education has incorporated common issues addressed by the H&S Committee, and it has been overhauled to be more comprehensible and help prevent occupational accidents. For training programs, we utilize internal e-learning systems and digital materials to enable all employees to take the programs.
In fiscal year 2023, we conducted the Safety Culture Diagnosis in addition to health and safety education and quantified each of the four items—“education and training,” “reporting obligation,” “performance,” “resource and environment,” and “organization and culture”—to evaluate and assess the safety culture level in the Shiseido Group.
(22 companies of the Shiseido Group took the Safety Culture Diagnosis)

The continuous execution of the Safety Culture Diagnosis has helped us recognize the level of understanding and awareness of safety among workers. Additionally, we are working in tandem with each region’s initiatives to prevent occupational accidents through stratified analyses and feedback.