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Packaging and containers

Design from various perspectives, including ease of use and portability

Packaging and containers are the parts of a product which consumers first see and contact. With the circumstances of use in mind, we consider the feel , ease of handling, operability, usability, and portability, while incorporating the concept of universal design into products to ensure safety in use. Materials meet quality standards equivalent to those of food containers when in direct contact with the contents.

Quality inspection

In the commercialization of a product, strict quality inspections are performed by the Consumer Information Center, Quality Management Department, product planning, designers, research centers, and factories, etc.

Major quality confirmation items

(1) Expected consumer use evaluation
We design containers with users in mind, considering the ease of handling and operability.

(2) Drop test
We perform drop and shock resistance testing on containers and their contents.

(3) Handbag test
Testing is conducted for container collapse or leakage of contents with consideration for the product being carried in a pouch.

Actions for the environment

Shiseido takes plastic and other environmental issues seriously. We actively reduce plastic use by providing refillable products, introducing designs that are easy to recycle, and replacing petroleum-based plastics with biomass, biodegradable plastics, or other materials.