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Resolving the Gender Gap and Empowering Women in Japan

Building on insights and experiences accumulated by Shiseido, we partner with international institutions, private enterprises, municipalities, and other related organizations to work towards gender equality, including women’s financial independence and participation in decision-making. We strive to nurture a society where everyone can feel empowered to live their life freely by having fair opportunities regardless of gender.

Resolving the Gender Gap and Empowering Women in Japan

As a leader in achieving gender equality throughout Japanese society, Shiseido promotes a variety of activities to empower women by constantly upgrading our internal initiatives.

Shiseido DE&I Lab

At the Shiseido DE&I Lab established in 2023, we explore ways to leverage the power of diversity in our joint work with Tokyo University researchers. We study the process by which the empowerment of diverse human resources facilitates innovation by introducing different values and ideas and aim to verify the relationship between DE&I and corporate growth. Additionally, we disseminate our findings broadly throughout society through the ”Shiseido DE&I Lab Site,” thereby contributing to the growth of the Japanese economy through DE&I.

On the DE&I Lab Site, the company publishes the learnings gained from its past initiatives such as its workstyle reforms for beauty professionals and women's management training programs under ”actions,” as well as its empirical research results on the relationship between diverse talent and corporate growth conducted in collaboration with a team led by Professor Shintaro Yamaguchi from the University of Tokyo*, under ”research.”
In 2024, we published the results of two themes. The first theme, "From Women's Empowerment to Gender Equality," suggested that a gender imbalance among organizational leaders could reinforce unconscious biases. In response to these findings, we emphasized the importance of achieving gender balance among leaders and implementing a company-wide approach. The second theme, "Beyond Diversity: The Prescription for Inclusion," highlighted a successful marketing team that consistently launches "hero products." This team creates an inclusive environment by preparing pre-read materials for meetings, ensuring that members from diverse backgrounds, such as those with foreign nationalities or mid-career hires, can confidently share their opinions.
The "Shiseido DE&I Lab" will continue to conduct empirical research that leads to organizational transformation, striving for true gender equality.

  • *Research led by Shintaro Yamaguchi and Yoko Okuyama (Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, Uppsala University / Invited Researcher at CREPE, University of Tokyo) as a co-researcher.


The RESEARCH page of the Shiseido DE&I Lab Site

Participation in the 30% Club Japan for Sound Gender Balance in Corporate Decision-Making Bodies

  1. *1:Women on the boards are defined as directors and auditors.
  2. *2:Proportion of women members on the boards of directors at TOPIX 100 companies (including auditors at companies with a board of auditors)
  3. *3:As of the end of December 2023
  4. *4:As of the end of December 2023

Meeting of the TOPIX President’s Committee

30% Club

Empowering Women through Collaboration with Local Governments

Ayako Hirofuji, Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief DE&I Officer of Shiseido Co., Ltd., participated in the Tokyo Living Conference sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government as a committee member in 2024. The objective of this conference is to facilitate discussions between experts and the Toyo Metropolitan Government regarding various social systems and corporate organizational situations related to the work styles and lifestyles of Tokyo residents. At the third conference, she shared our company's DE&I initiatives and emphasized the importance of respecting individual career aspirations. She highlighted that excessive consideration by the company could potentially hinder career development opportunities for women. Therefore, it is crucial to support their success and growth by actively assigning them to significant roles and responsibilities.

Furthermore, in 2024, Shiseido personnel were invited to deliver lectures on gender equality and the promotion of women's empowerment by approximately 60 sponsor companies, local governments, universities, ministries, and various organizations; these lectures reached a total of approximately 6,000 attendees. The lectures covered a wide range of topics, including the importance of top management's commitment to developing women leaders, Shiseido's history of promoting women's empowerment, and various human resources measures to change mindsets. Some of the major events were the ”9th Nagasaki Women's Empowerment Promotion Company Awards” hosted by Nagasaki Prefecture and the ”5th SDGs Exchange Meeting” organized by the Mid-Tochigi Machizukuri Council." We will continue to dedicate ourselves to promoting positive social change by applying the knowledge and experience we have gained through our efforts to advance gender equality.

Childcare Support

  1. *1:KODOMOLOGY CO.,LTD. closed Kangaroom Shiodome at the end of March 2023 and started the childcare support program, “KANGAROOM +” for employees of Shiseido and alliance partners in April 2023.
  2. *2:As of the end of December 2023

Children playing at the in-house daycare facility KANGAROOM Kakegawa

KANGAROOM+ began providing postpartum support

Supporting Women Researchers in Natural Sciences

The proportion of women researchers in Japan is low compared to other countries, remaining at roughly 18.3%*1. To improve this situation, Shiseido is offering continued support to women researchers in Japan who are engaged in world-leading, innovative research in natural sciences. The Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant has been providing support in this area since 2007. Now in its 17th year, 2024, we awarded research grants to 10 women researchers. This subsidy is distinguished for its versatility in providing support to women in their life events such as childbirth and childcare, so long as the objective of the funding is research. To date, it has contributed to the research results and the career development of 169 researchers.
The theme for the 2024 award presentation ceremony held at the Shiseido Global Innovation Center (Yokohama) was “Deepening the Network of Women Researchers.” We surveyed past award recipients*2 about the current situation of women researchers and found that over 80% reported facing challenges due to their gender. Many shared their struggles, such as balancing family and work, a lack of understanding due to the underrepresentation of women in the research community, and the absence of colleagues and networks they can confide in. These responses highlighted the difficulties faced by women researchers in balancing family and work due to deep-rooted gender roles in Japanese society, as well as their isolation and concerns about career development. On the positive side, recipients noted several benefits from winning the award beyond the financial grant. They mentioned that exchanges with fellow award winners inspired new ideas, while the award also provided emotional support, facilitated interactions with Shiseido researchers, and increased their recognition.
Shiseido will support exceptional women researchers facing difficulties in their work environment by offering opportunities for communication and knowledge exchange that transcend the boundaries of research fields and specialization. The company will also contribute to the future development of science in Japan by promoting communication between the grant recipients and young students.

  1. *1:Based on the 2023 Report on the Survey of Research and Development by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication
  2. *2:The survey was conducted from November 16-30, 2022, and completed by 74 recipients of the Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant (sent to 119 recipients.)

The Shiseido Female Researcher Science Grant award ceremony in 2024


Empowerment of Women in Suppliers

In 2024, Shiseido conducted a lecture on diversity for 32 executives and managers from a supplier company. The lecture focused on themes such as the development of women leaders and flexible working styles as well as discussions on the employment of people with disabilities in factories and employee well-being. Shiseido views the empowerment of women and people with disabilities in the manufacturing industry as a social issue and will continue to support the improvement of ESG performance across the entire supply chain by sharing best practices.