Shiseido Business Partner Hotline
We have established the Shiseido Business Partner Hotline to deepen mutual understanding with our business partners and to promote fair transactions based on mutual respect. When it comes to violations of compliance, we consider it crucial to take appropriate action at an early stage. If such a violation comes to your attention, we therefore request that you contact this hotline by following the procedure below.
Shiseido Group Supplier Code of Conduct[PDF:876KB]
Reportable Acts
Any violations or potential violations of the law, the Shiseido Code of Conduct and Ethics, or the Shiseido Group Supplier Code of Conduct that arise from a transaction with a Shiseido Group company.
Note: For business-related issues, we request that reporters first contact the relevant department or internal reporting desk within their company or organization.
Eligible Users
Officers and employees of business partners in Japan that are engaged in ongoing business transactions with one or more Shiseido Group companies
Note: For cases that fall under “whistleblowing disclosure” as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Whistleblower Protection Act, employees of Shiseido Group business partners that discontinued business transactions with a Shiseido Group company or companies within the past year are also eligible to use the hotline.
Protection of Reporters
- (1)The content of reports and personal information provided to the hotline will be used by our company, Shiseido Group companies, or the company or companies of the individual(s) reported for committing the violation(s) (hereafter “Offenders”) to carry out investigations and implement responsive measures. They will not be used for any other purpose.
- (2)If reported information needs to be disclosed to a third party in order to carry out investigations or implement responsive measures, we will obtain the consent of the Reporters in advance. Additionally, when investigating or implementing a response to reported incidents, we will protect the confidentiality of Reporters, Offenders, and individuals assisting with investigations with all due care and consideration for their privacy.
- (3)Except when business partners themselves are involved in improper acts, no disadvantageous action or retaliation against Reporters or their companies will be taken for making a report to the hotline. If any cases of disadvantageous treatment by our company, Shiseido Group companies, or Offenders’ companies toward Reporters are identified, such acts will be halted and, depending on the circumstances, appropriate relief and restoration measures will be taken or requested.
- (4)For cases reported to the hotline that fall under “whistleblowing disclosure” as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Whistleblower Protection Act, we will take measures in accordance with the law.
Our Response
- (1)We will not investigate or respond to: reports of incidents that cannot be verified, false reports, or reports consisting of slander or defamation.
- (2)Reports can be made either under the Reporter’s real name or anonymously. However, our ability to conduct full investigations of incidents may be limited in the case of anonymous reports. Additionally, we will not be able to provide feedback on the results of our responsive measures to the Reporter.
- (3)As needed, we will implement investigations and responsive actions in collaboration with the relevant departments of Shiseido Group companies, external experts, or Offenders’ companies. If corrective measures are required as a result, we will take immediate action.
Depending on the case, we may request Offenders’ companies to implement their own investigations and corrective measures.

Note: Necessary measures will be considered based on the situation or incident, meaning the above flow may be subject to change.
How to Use
Please make contact by web form or postal mail.
<By postal mail>
Shiseido Company, Limited: Shiseido Business Partner Hotline
6-2, Higashi-shimbashi 1-chome,
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8310, Japan
Please provide the following information explicitly.
Note: If you understand point (2) in the aforementioned “Our Response” and still wish to remain anonymous, you may select not to provide all or part of the information requested under (1) and (2) below.
(1)Reporter’s name
(2)Reporter’s company, department, and business relationship with the Shiseido Group
(3)Specifics of the report