Shiseido is committed to ensuring that neither our business nor supply chain involves the practices of enslavement or human trafficking. This is done by establishing corporate policies applicable to Shiseido and thoroughly communicating them to employees and suppliers, including Tier 1 and upstream suppliers. These policies were drafted by the person responsible for human rights at the GHQ and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors.
The Company's Chief DE&I Officer is responsible for promoting the human rights policy, including human rights due diligence and risk assessment. With regard to identified human rights issues, the Company has clearly designated the departments and executive officers in charge of each issue and implemented improvement activities to prevent and reduce negative impacts on human rights. In our everyday duties, relevant functions in the Global Headquarters (Human Resources, Risk Management, Sustainability, Procurement) work together with various departments and domestic and overseas group companies to further the promotion of human rights. The results of these activities are reported to the Sustainability Committee, which deliberates on sustainability issues. The Sustainability Committee makes decisions on specific action plans, including strategies and policies for the entire group and responses to human rights, while also monitoring the progress of medium- and long-term targets. Significant achievements and concerns related to human rights are reported and proposed to the Board of Directors each year.
The Global Headquarters (Procurement, Risk Management, Sustainability) work on human rights issues among suppliers. As one of the systems to gather information on human rights risks and promptly address them (grievance mechanisms), we have established the Shiseido Business Partner Hotline where suppliers can report and consult on human rights issues with our company.