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Activities for Children

Shiseido conducts activities for children to enable them to acquire correct knowledge through diverse experiences.

Along with more younger people using cosmetics, the number of children with skin problems such as rough skin is increasing due to self-taught use of the cosmetic products. To address this issue and protect their healthy skin, Shiseido disseminates easy-to-understand beauty information such as UV protection and face washing methods.

Shiseido Kodomo Seminar

For elementary school students

●Shiseido Kodomo Seminar

【Two seminars】


School Health Committee

We present a lecture entitled “For your healthy days – UV protection and correct facial cleansing” at School Health Committee meetings attended by parents and teachers.
The School Health Committee is organized mainly by nursing teachers at each local school. School doctors such as physicians, otolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, dentists or pharmacists give presentations on students’ health and growth status with the aim of providing information to be shared by teachers and parents.
Recognizing the seminar as a supporting tool to promote health education at elementary schools, we present lectures and demonstrations for adults who work closely with children on UV protection and the importance of facial cleansing, which are key contents of our Kodomo Seminar.

Teaching materials to support health classes