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  6. Awards from Academic Societies for Alternatives to Animal Testing and Safety Evaluation Methods

Awards from Academic Societies for Alternatives to
Animal Testing and Safety Evaluation Methods

Year Studies or Achievements Awarded by Academic Societies
2024 ・A study on the identification of systemic toxicity information using AI language models
2023 ・Study on troubles associated with reactive oxygen species (ROS) assay and their solutions
2022 ・Long-term contribution to studies on alternatives to animal experiments and to the JSAAE's development

・Contribution to the promotion and spread of sensitization risk assessment using alternatives to animal experiments

・Study to predict systemic toxicity using read-across and artificial neural network-based QSAR models


・Study on cosmetic ingredient assessment using hand 1-luciferase embryonic stem cell test

・Study on the use of photo-KeratinoSens in an integrated testing strategy (ITS) for photosensization evaluation

・Contribution to the promotion and spread of alternative methods including h-CLAT, an alternative to skin sensitization test(Joint study with Kao Corporation)

・Development of in silico methods to predict percutaneous absorbability and sensitizing property of drugs

・Study on risk assessment for skin sensitization using in silico methods

2015 ・Study on specificity evaluation of embryonic stem cell test for cosmetic ingredients

・Development of skin sensitization evaluation technique for cosmetic ingredients using the ITS method

・Development of human cell line activation test (h-CLAT), an alternative to skin sensitization test (Joint study with Kao Corporation)

2011 ・Study on cell-surface SH groups as a marker in an alternative skin sensitization test (SH test)
2009 ・Contribution to the promotion and spread of alternatives to irritation tests in animals
2008 ・Study on an eye irritation evaluation method based on a combination of SIRC-CVS test and the three-dimensional cultured skin model test

・Joint study with Kao Corporation on the in vitro skin sensitization test: h-CLAT

・Study on the effect of light in in vitro phototoxicity tests

2003 ・Study on alternative methods of acute toxicity testing using cultured cells
2002 ・Study on the development of a formula for predicting percutaneous absorption and its application in predicting sensitization potentials
2001 ・Study on an in vitro sensitization test that measures the expression of CD86 and MHC class II as markers in the THP-1 human monocytic cell line
2000 ・Study on the induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis in the epidermis by skin carcinogens
1999 ・Study on cell line differences in photocytotoxicity tests
1997 ・Study on the use of the cytotoxicity test of poorly soluble substances as an alternative method for skin irritation testing
1996 ・Study on the use of quantitative measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression as an alternative method for skin irritation testing
1994 ・Study on the application of electrophysiological techniques and other techniques on neuronal cells for use as an in vitro sensory irritation test
1993 ・Development of modified local lymph node assay (non-RI method), an alternative to contact sensitization testing
1992 ・Study on in vitro phototoxicity tests with red blood cells and yeasts

・Study on an in vitro test of eye irritation using hemoglobin as a biomarker

・Study on the use of liposomes prepared from lipids extracts of the cornea as an alternative for eye irritation testing