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Initiatives for Safety Technology Improvement

To improve the reliability of safety evaluation technology without animal testing, we must update computer-science-and-toxicology-based expertise at the cell, gene, and molecule levels on a daily basis. Under such circumstances, Shiseido continues to participate in various activities in the industry and conducts different projects with outside experts. Some of these initiatives are described below.

・Safety assurance without animal testing

Shiseido has researched alternative test methods that can be performed without animal testing for over 60 years since establishing a research department engaged in safety assurance in 1963.
We abolished animal testing and introduced innovative in silico (computer-based) and in vitro (cell-based) safety evaluations in 2013. We will continuously contribute to the development of safety evaluation methods based on alternatives to animal testing and disseminate them in society in cooperation with external stakeholders.

  • *Except when required by governmental and regulatory authorities.

・Basic research on safety

・Development of professional human resources

・Collaborative interaction with outside experts

・Activities in the industry and academic societies