To improve the reliability of safety evaluation technology without animal testing, we must update computer-science-and-toxicology-based expertise at the cell, gene, and molecule levels on a daily basis. Under such circumstances, Shiseido continues to participate in various activities in the industry and conducts different projects with outside experts. Some of these initiatives are described below.
Shiseido has researched alternative test methods that can be performed without animal testing for over 60 years since establishing a research department engaged in safety assurance in 1963.
We abolished animal testing and introduced innovative in silico (computer-based) and in vitro (cell-based) safety evaluations in 2013. We will continuously contribute to the development of safety evaluation methods based on alternatives to animal testing and disseminate them in society in cooperation with external stakeholders.
Shiseido is committed to research topics that are the foundations of safety, such as sensory irritation, sensitive skin, ingredient absorptivity via the skin (percutaneous absorption), and the development of low-irritation formulation, and the results have been useful in our efforts to develop safe, secure, and reliable products. Also, we continuously strive to develop new toxicity assessment methods for the whole body using the accumulated database of chemicals as well as computer science technology so that we can predict the impact on the overall health of the body if cosmetic ingredients absorbed via the skin move into the bloodstream.
Researchers working in safety assurance regularly receive training at universities and public research institutions and take part in academic meetings, symposiums, and education seminars held domestically or internationally to improve our levels of professional expertise and expert knowledge. Moreover, we support researchers in obtaining qualifications such as toxicologist certification from academic societies in Japan and overseas countries. As for personnel handling safety evaluations, Shiseido employs highly-qualified professionals such as those with Ph.D. and those specializing in pharmacy, science, engineering, agriculture, veterinary science, and other fields.
Shiseido regularly undertakes consultations and joint research projects on safety with experts who are active in the front lines of universities and their related bodies in Japan and overseas countries. With regard to cosmetics, Shiseido takes the opinions of dermatologists seriously. Shiseido spontaneously engages in a wide range of safety-related activities conducted by academic societies in fields such as basic medicine, especially toxicology, dermatology, and allergology in addition to cosmetic science. Also, Shiseido reports its research results to these academic societies or journals, and has received various awards.
Shiseido takes part in events held by cosmetics industry associations around the world (e.g., Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA), Cosmetics Europe (CE), Personal Care Products Council (PCPC), and ASEAN Cosmetics Association (ACA)), and actively exchanges information related to safety. Specifically, Shiseido engages in the operation of JCIA and academic societies as well. In recent years, as a founding member of the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS) consisting of cosmetics manufacturers, industry groups, and animal protection groups, Shiseido has implemented various actions. Through these activities, Shiseido will contribute to the further spread of testing methods that do not utilize laboratory animals.