
March 31 (Tue) to December 23 (Wed), 2015
The camellia blossom is the symbol of Shiseido. Created in the Taisho period, Shiseido's camellia logo features a novel design in which the flowing, elegant curves represent the hard trunks of Japan's native Camellia japonica. This is a symbol that has helped place Shiseido in the hearts and minds of countless people. And in keeping with the theme of camellias, this exhibition gave the public an opportunity to view a digital film created by Yasutaka Fukuda for the Dogo Onsenart 2014 art festival (which Shiseido helped sponsor). The video work Hundred Camellias digital film is based on a collection of Edo-period reproductive artworks, titled Hundred Camellias, which is now housed in the Shiseido Corporate Museum. Believed to have been painted by Kano Sanraku, the original work depicts a variety of camellia blossoms on a pair of scrolls; Fukuda has reinterpreted this work's worldview through the lens of a 3DCG camera. Meanwhile, in contrast to Fukuda's high-tech work, other exhibits include Shiseido's product packages—most of which were designed based on camellia blossoms. At the exhibition, visitors appreciated the design of these packages, in which simple colors and lines were used to convey the rich elegance of lovely camellia flowers.