The Changing Hairstyles of
Japanese Women 2
— From Perms and Bobs to Austerity

28 November (Tue), 2000 to 28 January (Sun), 2001
The tied-up and bun hairstyles that started in the late 1800s continued into the new century, spreading widely but also changing radically. These included the “radio style” with the hair in two side coils like radio-operator headphones, permed hairstyles, and of course the “bob” favored by the so-called “modern girls” of the 1920s. But from the early 1940s, the self-imposed sobriety of taste that came with the clouds of war caused the wearing of permed hairstyles to give way to more austere styles. This became one more example of how radical changes rocking society can influence women's hairstyles so considerably. This exhibition used images in artifacts like women's magazine covers and photogravures to look at some of the most representative hair styles and identify some of the hair care products used at the time.