Ask and You Shall Receive
— Majolica Majorca
Celebrating 10 Years of Majolica Majorca
— A Special Exhibition at the Shiseido Art House

July 30th (Tue) to September 29th (Sun), 2013
This year Shiseido celebrated the tenth anniversary of its Majolica Majorca makeup brand with a special commemorative exhibition. This exhibition presented diverse treasures from Majolica Majorca's cherished collection, including numerous items packed with information to satisfy young women's boundless curiosity about the beauty. These included many of the original props and costumes used in the creation of Majolica Majorca's advertising visuals so far, in an exhibition that recreated for visitors the unique world of imagery for which Majolica Majorca has become known. Other features of the exhibition included a special on-site smartphone program offering contents available only within the exhibition hall, as well as a special bus, decked out in Majolica Majorca wrapping, that shuttled visitors between the Shiseido Corporate Museum and the south entrance of nearby Kakegawa train station.