The Excitement of Lipstick
— Color, Form, Spirit

September 4th (Tue), 2012 to March 24th (Sun), 2013
This exhibition highlighted the exciting appeal of lipstick. Lipstick can be considered the most striking and important element of women's makeup. Even just a little bit of lip coloring can lend an “adult” sophistication to the face of a child, make an otherwise ordinary day a little more special, bring diverse expressions to a woman's face, and even embolden her spirit. This exhibition presented these appealing aspects of lipstick visually, through displays designed to be reminiscent of shop display windows. Organized around the three themes of Lipstick Colors, Lipstick Shapes, and Lipstick & Spirit, it focused on the beauty of lipstick itself, but also explored some of the unseen relationships women have with their lip colorings. It also included hands-on displays where visitors could explore the pleasures of lipstick experientially, including a corner for trying on various lipstick shades and computerized tablet stations for simulating different makeup approaches.