The strength to be you. LIFE QUALITY MAKEUP SHISEIDO The strength to be you. LIFE QUALITY MAKEUP SHISEIDO

F o r   B i r t h m a r k s ,   V i t i l i g o ,   B u r n   S c a r s ,   U n e v e n n e s s ,  
a n d   C h a n g e s   i n   A p p e a r a n c e

S h i s e i d o   L i f e   Q u a l i t y   M a k e u p

S h i s e i d o
L i f e   Q u a l i t y   M a k e u p

Empowering People
Through the Power of Beauty

Shiseido Life Quality Makeup is one of
our sustainable social activities at Shiseido.
For over 60 years, we have leveraged the power of
beauty to impact people's lives positively.

Our efforts began in 1956
when we introduced Shiseido Spots
Cover to help people with burn marks from the war.
In 1995, we launched Perfect Cover.

Through extensive research, Perfect Cover has continued evolving to answer deep skin concerns beyond burn marks, including birthmarks, vitiligo, and scars, in more countries and regions. In recent years, we have been providing support in appearance care that addresses the visible side effects of cancer treatment.

We envision a society where everyone is valued and empowered to take the first step.
Shiseido Life Quality Makeup. Thoughtfully designed to help you find the strength to uncover your true self—the strength to be you.

Perfect Cover

Discover the Power of Coverage

Perfect Cover Foundation is a series of specialized base makeup products for a wide range of uneven skin tones and surface conditions that are difficult to cover. By harnessing Shiseido's original optical technology, it achieves seamless coverage and a natural-looking finish.

T a r g e t   s k i n   c o n c e r n s

  • For a wide range of uneven skin tones and surface conditions that are difficult to cover, including birthmarks, vitiligo, changes in skin tone due to illness or medical treatment, burn marks, and scars.

  • Target skin concerns
  • A p p e a r a n c e   c a r e   f o r
    p e o p l e   w i t h   c a n c e r

    Beauty information to help cope with typical skin concerns accompanying cancer treatment.

  • Appearance Care for your confidence and comfort Appearance Care for your confidence and comfort

H i s t o r y   o f   S h i s e i d o   L i f e  
Q u a l i t y   M a k e u p

  • 1956 It all started with Spots Cover


    It all started with Spots Cover

    Shortly alter World War II, many people in Japan suffered from burn marks and scars. In hopes of alleviating the emotional pain caused by their skin and appearance concerns. Shiseido launched Shiseido Spots Cover in 1956.

  • 1995 Launch of Perfect Cover Foundation


    Launch of Perfect Cover Foundation

    These products are engineered with light technology to achieve natural-looking coverage of birthmarks, scars, uneven surfaces, vitiligo, and changes in appearance from causes such as cancer treatment.

  • 2006 Opening of the Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center in Ginza, Tokyo


    Opening of the Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center in Ginza, Tokyo

    A facility specializing in makeup consultations for various skin concerns was established in Ginza, the company's birthplace.

    * The current Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center (Tokyo, Shiodome).

  • 2009 Global expansion of Shiseido Life Quality Makeup


    Global expansion of Shiseido Life Quality Makeup

    To meet skin concerns of our customers beyond Japan, we are expanding Shiseido Life Quality Makeup. Currently, we are active in China, Singapore, and Taiwan*.
    * Country / Region

    * The Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center (Singapore).

  • 2017 Launch of LAVENDER RING


    Launch of LAVENDER RING

    LAVENDER RING is our project to support people with cancer and aspires toward a society where they can continue living with a smile.
    We provide a makeover and photo session at its MAKEUP & PHOTOS WITH SMILES event to leverage Shiseido's expertise for a good cause. LAVENDER RING won an Award for Excellence given at the Japan Mécénat Awards 2021 by the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts.

  • 2018 Global Expansion of the LAVENDER RING


    Global Expansion of the LAVENDER RING

    Since 2022, LAVENDER RING activities have been held in Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand to support cancer patients all over the world . In 2024, they were expanded to Malaysia and the Philippines, making the total number of countries seven.

    * The event in Taiwan.

  • 2025 Perfect Cover Renewal


    Perfect Cover Renewal

    Perfect Cover underwent a complete renewal in 2022, both in terms of content and packaging. However, we have further revised our color scheme to cater to a diverse range of global skin tones. We aim not only to enhance the functionality of each product, but to also ensure that our ingredients and packaging meet a more sustainable standard (based on our own criteria).