Shiseido Life Quality Makeup: Supporting People with Serious Skin Concerns
We have been committed to improving quality of life through cosmetics since the 1950s. Today, as part of the Shiseido Life Quality Makeup (SLQM) initiative, we operate dedicated Life Quality Beauty Centers in four countries/regions around the world.
In order to continue activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, we shifted our focus to digital solutions. In July 2021, we began offering online appearance care consultations at the Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center (Japan). We also introduced online consultations in China in 2020, and by the end of 2021, we had catered to 2,658 consumers.
In October 2021, SLQM was featured in Successful Aging in the Eye Area: From Ptosis, Non-Surgical Aesthetic Medicine to Makeup for the Aging, a medical book published by Zennihon Byouin Shuppankai, a major Japanese publisher of medical texts. In one chapter, a Life Quality Makeup Consultant discussed makeup techniques to diminish the look of swelling and internal hemorrhaging following surgery. In the same month, we presented our beliefs and efforts to medical professionals in China at the 5th Conference of the Chinese Non-government Medical Institutions Association. We also held 11 seminars attended by 380 medical doctors.
Shiseido Asia Pacific received a Champions of Good award in 2020 for its sustainability efforts — including activities led by the Shiseido Life Quality Beauty Center. The awards recognize organizations that are exemplary in their corporate giving and those that engage partners and stakeholders in their initiatives.

Supporting People Living with Cancer
Since 2008, we have supported people affected by changes in their appearance due to cancer treatments.
In 2015, we released our first booklet for people living with cancer. In 2019, we released the Beauty Book for Cancer Patients. And in 2020, we followed up with Men’s Grooming for Cancer Patients. These books were provided to 385 cancer hospitals in Japan in 2021.
In association with the Japan Cancer Society’s Survivors Club, we produced a series of videos on appearance care for men. The videos introduced simple techniques for eyebrow and complexion makeup, as well as hair, skin, lip, and hand care.
In 2020, Shiseido Beauty Salon released a medical wig that can be customized to fit the wearer’s head size and hair condition. Through counseling and total care of the hair and scalp, our Social Beauty Care Advisors help make daily life more comfortable for our consumers.
Building on our experience in Japan, we are keen to expand our efforts globally. In 2021, in Spain, working with the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, we offered online appearance care lessons to 187 people with cancer across 12 cities. In Italy, we held makeup lessons in collaboration with La Forza e il Sorriso, a cancer patient support organization.

LAVENDER RING: Supporting People with Cancer to Live with a Smile
Since 2017, we have participated in LAVENDER RING , a multilateral project in Japan to support people with cancer. As part of the project, we lead MAKEUP & PHOTOS WITH SMILES, which uses the power of beauty and photography to empower the social and professional lives of people with cancer.
For the second year in a row, LAVENDER RING was hosted online in August 2021. 14 employees volunteered to provide personal makeup lessons to 57 cancer survivors nationwide. The event also included a panel discussion on hair donation as a way to help cope with changes in hair during and after treatments, and how it creates bonds within society.
In September of the same year, eight pediatric cancer survivors joined a MAKEUP & PHOTOS WITH SMILES event for children with cancer. In recognition of these efforts, we received a Mécénat Award for Excellence in November 2021 from the Association for Corporate Support of the Arts, a public interest incorporated association in Japan.
On February 4, 2021 — World Cancer Day — LAVENDER RING released its first book, LAVENDER RING Photo Book: Smiles and Messages from 206 People Living with Cancer. Featuring portraits and interviews with 206 cancer survivors, the book was published by Hearst Fujingaho Co., Ltd., and is available at hospitals and bookstores. The inspirational stories resonate with every reader.

Collaborating with Retail Partners to Build Support Networks in Local Communities
In 2015, Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare issued guidelines to promote healthy lifestyles among residents of local communities. This inspired the creation of support structures for people with cancer and older people nationwide. To support this initiative, we are committed to providing local communities in Japan with specialized beauty information.
In 2020, we collaborated with Sugi Pharmacy to give people with cancer in the community better access to our beauty care service. In November, Sugi Pharmacy set up a private room in its Fushimi branch to mark the launch of our Perfect Cover Foundation and make appearance care-related services accessible to the community. As of the end of December 2021, the number of stores handling Perfect Cover amounted to 432. We aim to increase this number.
We also developed the ‘Beauty For Health’ program, which incorporates research findings from Shiseido’s cosmetic therapy to help older people. As of December 2021, 459 CRC member retailers had adopted the program.

Supporting Older People
Due to COVID-19, we refrained from hosting certain programs for older people in 2021. However, in April, we introduced in-store beauty and wellbeing workshops at cosmetic retailers, as well as online mind and body refreshment workshops. Shiseido Beauty Therapists shared their expertise at these events. In November, we then resumed Shiseido Beauty Seminars, aiming to bring a smile to older people and improve their quality of life.
In collaboration with the town of Shirako in Chiba, Japan, we set up online sessions between the town’s health promotion center and Shiseido Japan’s Hamamatsu-cho office. 15 of Shirako’s older residents enrolled in Shiseido Beauty Seminars (five participants per seminar across a total of three seminars). Following the seminars, we evaluated the effect on participants, confirming changes in their perception of self-efficacy that pertains to self-reliance and a sense of competence. We presented our findings at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cosmetic Medicine 2021.

Supporting People with Disabilities
In the 1980s, we began developing educational materials to assist consumers with vision impairments or low vision. This included beauty manuals in Braille, Braille stickers for products, and Braille dosage stickers.
Our cosmetics advice website, Shiseido Listener’s Café uses text-to-speech (TTS) software. It provides various information, including a basic introduction to cosmetics usage. The website also features an audio-based periodical on seasonal beauty information, called Fashionable Moment (Oshare-na Hitotoki).
In 2019, we developed Shiseido Guide Makeup for people with visual impairments. However, as the method requires participants to touch their skin, we refrained from activities due to the risk of COVID-19. In response, we identified the unique needs of people with visual impairments during the pandemic, and developed online seminars focused on the self-application of skincare. In cooperation with various organizations, Shiseido Beauty Therapists led the small group seminars throughout 2021, closely observing participants and communicating each movement in detail.
In 2021, we also collaborated with Japan Beauty Blind on three makeup events. A Shiseido Life Quality Makeup Consultant, who is also a licensed hairstylist, worked with three people with visual impairments on Guide Makeup and hairstyling techniques. The final event, held in December, featured festive makeup and hairstyling tips from a Shiseido makeup artist. All three events were broadcast live on the radio application Voicy, with around 700 listeners tuning in.

Supporting Children in Foster Care
Our children are the future, and at Shiseido, we are committed to building a society where every child can thrive and not a single one is left behind.
The Shiseido Social Welfare Foundation is engaged in a diverse range of activities in support of children living in social care. Since 2005, to promote self-reliance among such children, the foundation has organized seminars focused on grooming, etiquette, and other skills. Developed and run in collaboration with Shiseido Japan Co., Ltd., AOKI Inc., Recruit Co., Ltd., and other organizations, these seminars aim to help prospective high school graduates prepare for further education or a career to live independently. The foundation also offers scholarships for higher education, and training programs and educational magazines for staff at child welfare facilities.

Support for Patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Since 2000, we have supported people living with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) — a condition characterized by extreme sun sensitivity — through sunscreen donations and seminars led by our researchers and Beauty Consultants. At these seminars, we explain how to effectively protect skin in order to enjoy the outdoors.
In 2021, with support from suncare brand ANESSA, we held online seminars for parents of children with XP, providing basic information on UV rays, sun protection, and the correct use of sunscreen.
Since 2005, we have also provided financial aid for patient exchange meetings through voluntary donations from participating employees’ salaries (“Shiseido Camellia Fund”).