Employees' Social Contribution Activities
Shiseido aims to realize a sustainable world where everyone can experience happiness through the power of beauty. We believe it is important for each employee to think about social and environmental issues and consider ways in which we can address them.
Based on our sustainability strategies, we encourage employees to participate in voluntary social contribution activities across the fields of society and the environment. In Japan, EMEA, Americas, Asia Pacific and Travel Retail, schemes have been established to allow employees to take part in social contribution activities during working hours.
In 2021, due to the continued impact of COVID-19, we strengthened our online social contribution activities. Employees around the world participated in various activities tailored to the needs of their local communities. Activities included those that only Shiseido can offer through cosmetics, such as virtual hair and makeup lessons.
Every year since 2017, we have hosted “Shiseido Camellia Day” in EMEA — a day dedicated to employee social contributions. In 2021, we expanded this initiative to all regions. For the inaugural “Shiseido Camellia Day” in Asia Pacific and Travel Retail, employees supported NPOs through a virtual “ideathon” — a brainstorming session focused on generating ideas and possible solutions for the challenges faced by the NPOs. Other activities held around the world in 2021 included online seminars to raise awareness on gender equality and education for girls, and campaigns to promote the use of reusable water bottles and the collection and upcycling of used cosmetic containers. In-person activities were also held, including riverbank cleaning, beach cleaning and tree planting — all implemented under strict regulations to protect our employees and help stop the spread of COVID-19.

In Shiseido Americas, employees participated in social contribution programs throughout the year under “THE BEAUTY OF HELPING OTHERS” initiative. Programs included environmental conservation, support for gender equality and cultural heritage.

Global Expansion of the “Shiseido Camellia Fund”
The “Shiseido Camellia Fund” is backed by charitable contributions from current and retired Shiseido Group employees. It supports NPOs working to solve social issues. The “Shiseido Camellia Fund” began in Japan in 2005 and expanded to EMEA, Americas, Asia Pacific and Travel Retail in 2020. It supports initiatives tailored to the needs of each region across the fields of society and the environment. This includes initiatives in the areas of women’s empowerment, children’s education, environmental conservation, and disaster relief.
Supporting the Next Generation
We strive to empower children and young adults — those who will lead the next generation — through various initiatives. In addition to employees’ social contribution activities, we also conduct workplace tours for students, internships and school lectures. In 2021, we supported youth art initiatives in China and Asia Pacific.
To commemorate its 40th anniversary, Shiseido China launched the “Future Innovation Project” in collaboration with the China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF), a national public foundation committed to improving the environment for the development of youth in China. Aiming to support our future leaders, the project brought together over 200 schools nationwide and called for artwork from elementary and junior high school students under the theme of “art and science.” Selected work was exhibited on a dedicated mobile website, as well as Shiseido China’s official channels. Through this program, we aimed to support children’s ambitions and nurture their creativity.

Shiseido Asia Pacific launched the “Beauty of Art” project, which seeks to promote both social and environmental sustainability. For the launch project, we collaborated with NPO Rainbow Centre, which supports young artists with disabilities through its Artability program. Young artists from the Rainbow Centre’s Artability program created 38 paintings with end-of-life cosmetics such as lipsticks, foundations, and eyeliners. These paintings were then sold at an exhibition, with proceeds going to the artists themselves, as well as the Rainbow Centre and the Artability program. Through the “Beauty of Art” project, we showcased the talents of young artists with disabilities while making effective use of end-of-life cosmetics that would otherwise go to waste.

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
To support local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, we introduced initiatives such as volunteer activities, monetary donations, and cosmetic donations. In Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, we also worked with NPOs and government agencies to provide vaccination opportunities.
In Japan, we launched the “Shiseido Hand in Hand Project” to show our respect and appreciation to healthcare workers on the frontlines. Through advertisements and other means, we communicated to consumers the importance of disinfection and hand care for both disease prevention and skincare. As part of the project, we donated profits generated by the sales of related products, including hand soap, disinfectant, and hand cream, to the Japanese Nursing Association in July 2021 to support healthcare activities. Through the “Shiseido Hand in Hand Project,” Shiseido and over 1,600 business partners — as well as consumers that purchased products and companies that endorsed the project — were united in preventing infection and supporting healthcare workers in Japan.

In addition, we participated in the “WeSupport” initiative, operated by the General Incorporated Association RCF, Oisix ra daichi Inc., and COCONET Inc. (subsidiary of SEINO HOLDINGS Co., Ltd.). By donating over 30,000 cosmetic products including skincare, body care, haircare, and eye makeup, we provided support to healthcare workers in more than 50 hospitals throughout Japan.