SRI Indexes Selection Status
Shiseido received positive evaluations from Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) evaluation institutions of countries worldwide and was selected for inclusion as a constituent company for SRI indexes, which take account of companies that are highly trusted by society in terms of ethics, environment, employment and safety in their operations, in both Japan and overseas.
Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (the “DJSI World”)
Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (the “DJSI Asia Pacific”)
Jointly developed by S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC and RobecoSAM AG, this series of indices evaluate companies’ performance from economic, environmental, and social perspectives and select leaders in sustainability. They are among the most influential indices for investment decisions focused on corporate social responsibility.
FTSE4Good Index Series
SRI indexes announced by the UK’s FTSE Russell and used by investors as one set of environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings. They are a series of indexes designed to promote investment in companies that meet global ESG standards.
MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes
An index that is designed by the US’s MSCI and selects companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices.
Shiseido was selected for inclusion in all five ESG indexes that the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) adopted of ESG investment operations.
FTSE Blossom Japan Index
An index designed by the UK’s FTSE Russell which selects Japanese companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices. It is designed to be industry neutral.
Shiseido has been continuously selected for excellence in ESG practices since the introduction of the index in 2017.
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
An index designed by the UK’s FTSE Russell in March 2022 which selects Japanese companies in each sector that demonstrate strong ESG practices. It is designed to be sector neutral.
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index
An index designed by the US’s MSCI which selects Japanese companies that receive positive evaluations of ESG practices.
Shiseido has been continuously selected for excellence in ESG practices since the introduction of the index in 2017.
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)
An index designed by the US’s MSCI which selects Japanese companies that receive a high score for empowering women and promoting gender diversity.
Shiseido has been continuously selected for excellence in ESG practices since the introduction of the index in 2017.
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index
Jointly developed by the U.S. S&P Dow Jones Indices and the Japan Exchange Group, this index covers Japan stocks. It is designed to promote investment into companies that excel in carbon efficiency and environmental information disclosure.
Shiseido has been repeatedly included in the index since it was first introduced in 2018.
SOMPO Sustainability Index
SOMPO Sustainability Index is a proprietary active index created by Sompo Asset Management Co., Ltd., which combines ESG and equity fundamental evaluation.
Shiseido has been continuously selected for excellence in ESG practices since the introduction of the index in 2012.