2022 marks the 150th anniversary of Shiseido’s founding. We renew our appreciation for all stakeholders who have supported us and realized our business continuity over the last century and a half. As we look back on our rich history, we also see 2022 as a new beginning—the first step toward a beautiful future.
Our vision for 2030 is the creation of a sustainable world where everyone can enjoy a lifetime of happiness through the power of beauty. We aim to become a “Personal Beauty Wellness Company,” an aspiration laid out in our medium-to-long-term strategy WIN 2023 and Beyond.
We believe that Shiseido’s value creation is rooted in leveraging the power of beauty to generate economic and social value. Through the provision of innovative cosmetic products and services, we aim to enrich life and realize the healthy beauty of each and every consumer. We dream of a diverse society in which everyone can live life to the fullest, and a sustainable environment where people live in harmony with the planet.
In terms of the environment, we are strengthening our sustainable product development efforts while responding to climate change. To provide consumers with new value that ensures efficacy, quality, and sustainability, we are accelerating the development of our unique owned technologies, as well as collaborating with external partners.
Regarding social impact, we are particularly focused on diversity and inclusion (D&I). As well as creating an inclusive society through our beauty business, we also contribute to the positive transformation of Japanese society through the empowerment of women. On a personal level, by utilizing the knowledge cultivated within Shiseido, I strive to transform Japanese society and the business community through my work with the 30% Club Japan, of which I am the chair.
Innovation is essential in creating new value, and I believe our employees are the true source of innovation. Our diverse employees around the world are currently exploring and proposing innovative new businesses, products, and services that offer social and environmental value unique to a beauty company.
To continue our evolution, corporate governance is of the utmost importance. Going forward, we will strengthen our transparency efforts and implement further governance strategies.
Since our founding, we have never stopped innovating, expanding the possibilities of beauty to discover and create new value. Value that enriches life with hope and happiness. That spirit remains true today. It forms the basis of our mission—BEAUTY INNOVATIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD—and guides us as we move toward a more sustainable future.
In everything we do, we will continue to enrich life with the power of beauty—for people, society, and the planet.
June 2022
Representative Director,
President and CEO
Masahiko Uotani