Dec. 17, 2018
Publisher: Shiseido
Management / Financial Result
Shiseido Establishes China Business Innovation & Investment Representative Office
-Accelerates strategic innovation and business development in China-
Shiseido Company, Limited (“Shiseido”) will establish a China Business Innovation & Investment Representative Office in Shanghai, China, effective January 1, 2019. The new office will act, under the direct control of Global headquarters, as an operational hub to promote innovations in existing businesses and new business development responding to the market trends in China.
With its increasing number of startups and outstanding, entrepreneurial think-outside-the-box talents, China is expected to accelerate its continuous delivery of innovations and new business models. The China Business Innovation & Investment Representative Office will promote strategic alliances with such startups and other companies, and further accelerate the development and implementation of innovations in existing businesses reflecting the consumption trends of Chinese consumers inside and outside China, as well as new business development in cosmetics and other new business fields.
Under its mid-to-long-term strategy VISION 2020, Shiseido is striving to secure sustainable growth in global markets including China, which is expanding drastically, and further evolve to “Be a Global Winner with Our Heritage.” The newly established China Business Innovation & Investment Representative Office will, as a business innovation COE*, support the reinforcement of the business foundation in China while, through Chinese innovations, creating new beauty business as the next growth driver of the Shiseido Group on a global level and contribute to the accomplishment of VISION 2020.
* COE: Center of Excellence
Personnel appointment effective January 1, 2019
Carol ZHOU
Head of China Business Innovation & Investment Representative Office (COE)
<Profile of Carol ZHOU>
・2018 - Marriott & Alibaba Joint Venture, Vice President of Marketing
2015 - 2018 Marriott International, Senior Director, Luxury Brand Marketing
・2013 - 2015 Burberry, Director of Marketing, Asia Pacific Region
・2005 - 2009 L’Oréal, Global Marketing Director, BRIC Countries
・2003 - 2005 Unilever, Assistant Marketing Manager
*The content of the release is correct as of the time of release, but please note that it may in some cases differ from the latest information.