Jul. 1, 2021
Publisher: ShiseidoShiseido Japan
Product / Brand
R&D/Supply Network
SHISEIDO introduces the first*¹ Skin Visualizer:a contact-free device that measures and visualizes skin’s Beauty Circulation*²
SHISEIDO, the global brand operated by Shiseido in 88 countries and regions around the world, has developed the Skin Visualizer—a touch-free device that instantly measures and visualizes the current condition of beauty circulation*². This device is scheduled to be in service in each of the countries and regions.
*1 Shiseido’s first touchless, over-the-counter device to measure the condition inside the skin.
*2 Beauty circulation refers to the elements of beauty circulating in the skin. Beauty circulation presents the spectacular concept of beauty that we have achieved at based on the results of our Shiseido research for about 20 years.
Skin Visualizer is the latest consumer-facing technology advancement from SHISEIDO. Inspired by SHISEIDO’s focus on increasing the vitality of every person's skin, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity or skin type. Once it measures and images the condition of beauty circulation in an individual’s skin, personalized beauty advice is provided.
Developed through many years of research by Shiseido, the device is designed to help bring beauty out from the skin's foundation, rather than merely solving problems on the surface. Because it requires no physical contact to produce its visualizations, the user experience provides a sense of safety and peace of mind.
How the Skin Visualizer works
The Skin Visualizer calculates the skin's condition as it measures beauty circulation inside the skin and on its surface. The process is effective for anyone, regardless of gender, skin color or skin type. With no need for removing makeup and with no actual physical contact, it measures skin’s radiance, smoothness, and resilience.
A SHISEIDO beauty professional then recommends products based on the measurements, the skin condition, and the customer’s skin concerns. Using the Skin Visualizer as a tool, customers receive highly individualized information on how they personally can achieve their healthy vibrant skin.
Overview of skin measurement using the Skin Visualizer
A survey conducted by SHISEIDO in 2019 revealed that people around the world describe ideal skin as “healthy vibrant skin*³ .” The Skin Visualizer measures the skin conditions that contribute to this ideal and indicates the level of each condition as part of a total Ultimate Triangle Score. The balance of the three major indicators (radiance, resilience and suppleness, and fine skin texture and smoothness of the skin) is presented in the form of a triangular graph. Data derived from a photo of the customer’s skin shows its skin’s level of beauty circulation.
*3 Survey by SHISEIDO (Feb. 2019). N = 200 (Japan), 206 (US), 200 (China), 200 Thailand), 200 (Italy), 1,006 (total)
Launch of New SHISEIDO Ultimune on July 1, 2021
SHISEIDO is also launching an improved Ultimune serum based on The Lifeblood™*⁴ concept, focusing on beauty circulation, and on consumers’ growing interest in beautiful bare skin. SHISEIDO’s proprietary ImuGenerationRED Technology™ is part of the new formulation, to protect skin’s present and the future condition, and bring about lively and radiant skin that is bright, resilient, and smooth. The thick-yet-dewy texture, the quick penetration into the skin, and the popular green floral fragrance of the original version all remain the same.
*4 The Lifeblood™ is a new beauty concept proposed by SHISEIDO. It aims to help release a beauty for each of individual that continues to be constantly renewed.
About brand SHISEIDO
SHISEIDO is the key global prestige brand of the Shiseido Group that markets skincare, makeup, sun care, and fragrance products in 88 countries and regions around the world. The brand seeks to maximize the power of the beauty within each individual customer—an energetic beauty in both mind and body.
*The content of the release is correct as of the time of release, but please note that it may in some cases differ from the latest information.
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