A company that empowers
diverse talent grows.
This is a beautiful truth.

Shiseido’s corporate mission is to create “BEAUTY INNOVATIONS FOR A BETTER WORLD.”
We believe that diversity enhances the power of beauty. The coming together of diverse people who embrace each other's differences and find commonalities that resonate within them is not only a beautiful thing but also a catalyst for growth.

Shiseido DE&I Lab aims to demonstrate and utilize the connection between the success of diverse talent and corporate growth based on Shiseido's knowledge, data, and economic approach. Shiseido, which has been working to empower women from early in its history, draws from a wide range of case studies that offer insight into promoting DE&I.

We hope that the lessons we have learned so far at Shiseido will be of use in building the future of society and companies, especially for Japan, which is said to be lagging behind the world in promoting diversity in the context of human resources.
We hope that our activities through this site will help pave the way for the future.


The Verification of
our Initiatives
by Shiseido DE&I Lab

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Introduction of Shiseido's
advanced and distinctive
initiatives related to DE&I

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